Many of our facebook friends will know that our nurse Alicha has - TopicsExpress


Many of our facebook friends will know that our nurse Alicha has been busy undertaking NCVC nurses skills exchange program. Here is her experience of the trip. I have truly found another place that I can call home. Working with Free The Bears in Cambodia has honestly been one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences that I could have ever imagined. From the moment I landed, it was straight into the thick of the action at Phnom Tamao Wildlife Centre. I spent my first afternoon meeting my first bear patient and assisting in his anaesthetic to conduct a full health check. That moment of adrenaline is something that will always stay in my mind as it was the most exhilarating ride I have ever experienced. Meeting the Free the Bears team was nothing short of an absolute thrill. Everyone who is involved with the program (from the veterinarians, nurses, managers, volunteers etc.) has a solid heart of gold. It was such a pleasure to work with such driven and dedicated people. They made every day an exciting adventure nomatter how tough the challenge! Even though I was bitten by every insect possible and sweated my heart out every day working at the hospital; I couldn’t imagine getting my hands dirty anywhere else. Free The Bears has done some incredible things over the past years from creating rehabilitation centres for sick and injured bears, hospitals which facilitate a high standard of care, on-going home sanctuaries for the bears to live and be behaviourally enriched and most importantly; making the world aware and educating people of the cruel and torturous acts that are being practiced on a wide variety of bears in certain countries. I also admire their strive to bring bear bile farming to an end in Vietnam and protecting the bears from unfair treatment. I do believe that the effort and work put in by my employer, Noahs Crossing Veterinary Clinic, is absolutely outstanding as well; from donating hospital equipment and supplying veterinary assistance whenever possible.This trip I was able to bring over and set up a brand new oxygen concentrator and anaesthetic machine for them to use during surgery procedures in their hospital. Jo had also previously taken over a brand new blood chemistry analyser which I was able to teach the staff how to run in-house bloods on the bears; along with care and maintenance of both of the machines. Many protocols and check-off lists were completed in my spare time and one-on-one training was completed daily in my second week. Besides the moments where the language barrier caught us out, the staff were so beautiful and took a genuine interest in what I was teaching them. And for that reason, they succeeded in operating all of the equipment. For me nothing is more rewarding than teaching people new skills that they are excited to practice. Many laughs were shared! Now the bears…Oh the bears! Such adorable and exquisite animals! They stole my heart from the very first glance! I learnt that they have such tough fighting spirits but big gentlehearts. I didn’t only get to meet bears; I also got the opportunity to treat a range of species. Phnom Tamao is home to all kinds of rescued animals. It is such a peaceful paradise for all of them to enjoy their new lives. I could honestly type a book with all my experiences that I had encountered in Cambodia but I’m going to finish this passage with one of my most cherished lessons that I learnt. A smile speaks a thousand languages. Peace, love and happiness. Alicia
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:00:25 +0000

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