Many of the Photos, in this Video, I have Shared before. Thats - TopicsExpress


Many of the Photos, in this Video, I have Shared before. Thats scary! The New Boss, is the same as The Old Boss, Wont Get Fooled Again. I believe we have one Big Evil Royal Baphomet Satanic Problem. Evil Royal BS for short. The initials, of our so-called President, Barry Soetoro. Or, is it Barry Soebarkah? Its, the same Evil Royal BS, in my Book. If anyone belies all the Goliath Problems this so-called Nation faces arrived with our so-called President, Whats His Name born in Who Knows Where, they dont even know what the Evil Royal BS Problem is. I not only believe 9/11 was an Inside Job, I believe it was made into, an Evil Royal BS Ritual. Goes with the Pre-Meditated Oil Wars, in the Name of God, that followed 9/11. The ultimate insult, to my God, he say Thou Shalt Not Kill. I believe our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders make a Living, off of Killing People. They make a Killing! There, is no more profitable Business, then War. So profitable, they Fund and Arm, both sides. Doubling Down on Death. Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the Plan, for a New World Order, in motion. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the Plan, of a New World Order, in motion. Anyone willing and able to Pull off 9/11, and Oil Wars based on 9/11, is willing and able to Pull off anything and everything. Including, The End, at least for US. I believe they proved, what they thought of US, on 9.11. The War Scenario described above, along wit the New World Order, comes straight out of End Time Stories in the Bible. I believe we are living our a Royal Nazi-Made Script, that is a Dead Ringer, to End Time Stories in the Bible. Is, Obama Nation, being Led into the Abomination of Desolation? Who knows? Everything is a Secret, when forced to Talk, they Lie. The Ruling Evil Royal Family of Liars. We promised never to forget 9/11 and its time to Pay-up, before we Pay the Ultimate Price, for allowing ourselves to be Ruled under Secrets and Lies. Besides, Tomorrow is not promised, from above, While our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. One thing, I can tell you, is youve got to be Free. Come Together, right now, over me. Its, Now or Never, Do or Die Time. Sudden Death, could appear like a Thief in the Night, being Ruled under Secrets and Lies. Just like, the Thieves from the Federal Reserve, and Wall St could appear tonight, and take everything The People thought they had. Stand now, or forever hold our peace, as in RIP. Silence, is consent, and can be deadly. May, God Bless the United States of America, because we need it! See my entire Facebook Page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012. PS: Dont shoot the Messenger. Its, Gods Call of Duty, for all of US. Peace.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:59:04 +0000

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