Many of the historical Moors of the Middle Ages used Islam to - TopicsExpress


Many of the historical Moors of the Middle Ages used Islam to establish socio-economic ties with the Arabs and Indo-European Turks who were at odds with the Catholic Church, which was the focal point for what we would now call the white power structure during the Medieval period. Of course, there were several Christian Moors as well. The Moor whom Pope Bennedict has on his coat of arms, was just one of many. A lot of people say that this Black man is St. Corbinius, but when have you ever seen a bishop canonized as a saint wearing a king’s crown? I’m not sure who the Bavarian Moor is on Benedict’s coat of arms, but I am fairly certain that he was a Dragon King who traced his ancestral origins to West Africa. The Moors outwardly embracing Christianity and Islam was a strategic move. Think about it like this: if you live in a neighborhood dominated by the Crips and the Bloods, and these two gangs are constantly at war with one another, it might be beneficial for you to have family members in key positions in both gangs. Christianity and Islam were the two most powerful gangs, oops, I mean religions, of the Middle Ages. Hell, they’re the two most prominent in the world today. A lot of Moors were genuinely faithful to these two religions. I understand that. I’m clear on that. However, many still used them as fronts, which is not something that is often made clear by most Moorish historians. The reason they don’t teach this is because many of them don’t understand the psychology of an immigrant in a foreign land. A lot of people who teach Moorish history, as brilliant as they are, seem to forget that the historical Moors of medieval Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, France, England and Germany, were in large part, immigrants to foreign countries. Unless you are an immigrant, or a descendant of recent immigrants, it is very easy to lose sight of a very important and critical aspect of cultural psychology: in order to get along and persevere in a foreign country as part of a minority ethnic group, you must initially incorporate aspects of the popular culture into your own personage while maintaining your own ethnic traditions so that your ethnic group is not weakened through assimilation. You must duplicitously APPEAR as though you have assimilated into the larger society, while remaining loyal to your true heritage at the core. You must have an exoteric culture and an esoteric culture. Once you have achieved political omnipotence through social collectivism and overt domination of a nation’s economy, then you don’t have to acknowledge the dominant culture of that society anymore because you are now in a position to shape and mold the dominant culture as you see fit through art, science, economics, and psychology. This approach to foreign culture is a fundamental aspect of Moorish psychology. Your comprehension of Moorish history and culture is no greater than your capacity to identify with, or at least comprehend, the psychology of an immigrant who is striving to achieve upward social mobility in a foreign country. This is because many of the historical Moors that we celebrate, were themselves immigrants in foreign countries. You don’t have to wear your politics on your sleeve. Relish in being a spy, the unassuming fly on the wall who can weave in and out of a wide variety of social circles without losing a beat. We’re all still learning, myself included. The Western religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) make up the periphery of the African life sciences. This is precisely why West Africans have historically embraced these 3 religions. They see familiar elements of their own spiritual systems in them. According to Scottish cultural anthropologist, Robert Sutherland Rattray, Ghanaian priests were closing their prayers with the name Amen long before Christian missionaries from Europe even visited the country. This is discussed in Rattray’s book Ashanti Proverbs: The Primitive Ethics of a Savage People (1916). It is possible, however, that the Ashanti were actually acknowledging the Kemetic god Amen-Ra. After all, one of the deities of the Ashanti was Nyankopon (pronounced “Ny-Ankh-opon”). Historically, Islam has promoted the study of math and science, which are both hallmarks of African spirituality. The Malams of Ghana and the Marabouts of Senegal utilized the five-pointed star as a sigil in occult rituals long before there were any secret societies established in Europe. This five-pointed star is now used by the Rosicrucians and seen in the current Moroccan flag. It is a known fact that Christian Rosenkrutz, who is the alleged founder of the Rosicrucian Order, obtained much of his occult knowledge from the Moors. But if the Moors were mostly Muslims as we’ve been told by a lot of historians, then why wasn’t Rosenkrutz teaching Europeans Islam? What Rosenkrutz instead gave his followers was a European interpretation of West African mysticism. Today people call this Rosicrucianism. . I went to a Rosicrucian Order meeting in early 2011 just to see what I might learn. I strive to sharpen my mind by exposing myself to a wide variety ideas and concepts that don’t necessarily reflect my own personal views. Most of the people at the venue were white, but there were paintings of the Nesut Bity Akhenaton and his family all over the place. And yes, they were depicted as Black. The host asked me if I was a Sufi, based on my appearance, and I told him that I wasn’t. We started talking about West African mysticism for whatever reason and he told me that people with backgrounds rooted in Vodou and other forms of spirituality that come out of West Africa thrive in the Rosicrucian Order because they already have “the right mindset.” Naturally, I asked the Rosicrucian what he meant by “the right mindset.” He said that they approach spirituality like one approaches mathematics or science and not as a dogmatic religion. The Rosicrucian knew exactly what he was talking about. Organized religion is for animals in human costumes that need to be taught how to act like a human by reading holy books, which offer little outside of the parameters of poetry and common sense. These are not words of wrath; they’re words of math. The god “Alegba” is “Algebra,” or “Al-Gebra.” The variable of “X” in the equation “1+X=7” represents the crossroads which is guarded by Alegba, who remains an unknown higher intelligence to the ignorant and profane. You are the answer to the world’s equation, which is the world’s problem. Once you know who you are then you will know the precise “value” of the crossroads and its guardian. This is not a philosophy; it’s just simple mathematics, which is the study of applied logic. The only Vodou practitioner that I have ever known personally was a Haitian medical doctor, yet people who don’t know anything think that Vodou is all primitive superstition and hocus pocus that appeals to the uneducated. I don’t try to convince people of anything when they make judgments strictly on face value. I keep quiet, because everything isn’t for everyone to know. Ignorance can be a gift. Through ignorance you can stumble, fall, and hurt yourself badly. When you keep hurting yourself you will crave higher knowledge so that you won’t hurt yourself any more. It is ignorance that creates the desire for higher knowledge, so who am I to rob you of the gift of ignorance? Adika Butler
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:00:05 +0000

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