Many of the promises in the Bible have to do with the myriad of - TopicsExpress


Many of the promises in the Bible have to do with the myriad of blessings that worship produces. There has always been a great deal of attention given to the subject of worship, but right now I want to share with you about what real worship is, what it isn’t, and how worship is involved in the events in your life. Real worship is very personal; it is intimate. Real worship is what we do when we think about His goodness and mercy and know we should not have made it this far. It’s what we do when we walk into the first house that anyone in our family has ever owned. Its a deep heartfelt release of WHO God is to us and WHAT God has done for us! “Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall worship thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.” [Psalms 63:3-4]. The definition of praise is “to commend, to applaud, to express approval or adoration of; to extol in words, song or deed; to magnify; to glorify.” When we express our adoration and heartfelt gratitude to the Lord, it is the pathway to His presence. He literally shows up when we glorify Him in our words, songs or deeds. Our release of worship to Him is about relationship. From the beginning, God’s desire and longing has been to dwell with us. “For the Lord hath chosen Zion (a people and a place in Christ); he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.” (Psalms 132:13-14). The word dwell means “to reside, to stay permanently, to habitat and take up residence.” God wants to reside, stay permanently and take up residence with you and I, through our praise and worship! Your worship makes possible the habitation of God. Worship is about relationship as well as events. It is preoccupied with who God is and what He has done. Our worship begins with a mind that is set on God. It focuses on both His incomparable character and His wondrous acts. “O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard,” proclaims Psalms 66:8. It is not worship until it is vocalized or shown forth. Worship leads to transformation and identity. Worship is not just what I do, it’s who I am, and who we are collectively, as the body of Christ. [1 Peter 2:5] “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ..” God fashions and fabricates our lives so that we must be knitted or woven together with Him! Worship and relationship with God leads to events in our lives. Our worship is the door or passage for Him to come in and take us from ruins to restoration. We have to learn to go back and pick up that worship wherever we left it and bring it to the situation where we are now! When we start praising Him, that’s when real deliverance happens. That’s when abundance and blessing begin to happen. Our worship will pull us from our problem and take us to our provision, just like Joseph. It opens up atmospheres. Worship makes things happen! What if we’re not happy over the state of our current affairs? How do we worship Him then? Change the perspective. Our tendency is to cry over something that is over and focus on the ending. Don’t complain about who and what He dismisses from your destiny. He not only knows what you need, but who you need. God dismisses those who can’t go where you’re going and who cannot hear what you can hear, by any means necessary. God says: “If I bring it to an end, just worship!” When we worship God, it shows Him that we are ready for a new thing. Worship Him! There is a new beginning, a new cycle for us to begin. Believe it..He comes to us in our worship and readies us for the new season.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:05:47 +0000

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