Many of these schools that speak about Kundalini describe it in - TopicsExpress


Many of these schools that speak about Kundalini describe it in terms of powers, that the person who awakes Kundalini gains great spiritual powers. This is what they use to attract students. It is true that when this force, this cosmic energy is activated within us, it awakens our lost senses, our spiritual abilities that we once had but lost, but this is not the reason why we awaken that power. The true initiate is not seeking powers, to dominate others, to impress others, or to be special. The true initiate seeks to escape suffering. The person who is tired of the ego, who is tired of pain, who is tired of death, is well qualified to enter this science. The real initiate wants to go back to Eden. The real initiate has remorse for their pride and their lust and wants to change that. You see, the power of Kundalini is the power of God. That power is only given to those who deserve it. In other words, the real initiate, the real spiritual practitioner who follows the upright law wants to leave suffering, return to Eden, to be born again. This spiritual birth is only possible through the force of Kundalini. Nature does not want this. Nature outside of us and our physical body as it is, only wants to perpetuate nature. Our instinct is simply to be born, eat, defecate, reproduce, and die. Nature does not care about our art, science, theories, or beliefs, or whether we believe in God or not. Nature only wants to perpetuate itself. This is why in all the lower kingdoms this is the function of every organism: to perpetuate the existence of those organisms. Each one of them plays a role in perpetuating the planet. That is all nature wants. Nature does not want, does not care, does not need us to believe in God or not. There is an enormous fantasy-land about Kundalini. The Western culture has, on the spiritual side of things, become very fascinated by the topic of Kundalini. Fascination is a form of fantasy, a form of hypnosis. It has nothing of truth. The reality about Kundalini is completely different. It has nothing to do with the fantasies that people have about it. It is important to us to penetrate that fantasy and abolish it. Instead of lying in our psychological bedroom sleeping and dreaming about Kundalini, we need to get up. We need to walk out of our psychological house. We need to see the reality of where we are psychologically and spiritually, the truth of our existence. We need to learn how to swim, to get into that river of Consciousness and learn to swim across it. Crossing that current is very challenging, but it is possible. We may be learning how to meditate, how to do Pranayamas, or how to practice Tantra. These are necessary, but most of all we need to awaken our Consciousness, in order for any of these practices to have any influence or effect. There is a synthesis that has to occur in us spiritually and psychologically. There is a great story that illustrates this, about the Yogi Milarepa. Milarepa was a Tibetan who began his life as any common with no particular qualities that were noteworthy. He made a lot of mistakes and even performed Black Magic and ended up killing people for revenge. Yet, he realized his mistake and was fortunate enough to find his true teacher, Marpa, who taught him a technique called Inner Heat Yoga, Tummo Yoga, which is from the Six Yogas of Naropa or Niguma. This technique is extremely potent and powerful. It is related with what we are teaching in this tradition of Gnosis. Towards the end of his life Milarepa achieved complete development as a Bodhisattva. He was approached by a person who wanted to become his student. Milarepa asked the student: What are your qualifications? Why should I accept you as a student? The student said: I have developed perfect Samadhi. I can meditate and reach absolute perfect equanimity in Samadhi. Milarepa said: That is good, but that is nothing in comparison with the Meditation of the inner heat. This was not said from pride, but stated as a fact. This inner heat is the cosmic fire that we are discussing. It is described as a heat because it can be felt as a physical heat, but really it refers to a psychic heat. It is a spiritual force. It really has no form. It is not a fire in physical terms. It is electrical, but it is not electricity. It is energy, but it is not matter. It is something elusive, but everywhere. Whether we call it Tummo Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra Yoga, all of these are different ways of approaching the same thing. Each one is appropriate for a slightly different psychology and arose at a different age, but they all address the same force. In every case, whether we are talking about the Tibetan, Hindu, Christian, or Jewish tradition, all of these techniques in every school ultimately point towards the activation and development of this force inside of us. The most common symbol of this power is a serpent. That serpent is universal. It is symbolized in every religion. In the Christian tradition, Jesus says: Be as wise as serpents, because the serpent of Kundalini gives wisdom.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:00:09 +0000

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