Many of us, I, myself included, often take life for granite, and - TopicsExpress


Many of us, I, myself included, often take life for granite, and we dont always see the little things that matter most. I have found myself complaining about the most stupid littlest things that shouldnt even cross my mind. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Sometimes the plan God has for us gets interrupted by the devil and we find ourselves off track. Some people are very strong and can get back on the right path, others not so much. God tells us that we are to pray for everyone. Sometimes, it is the little things that we need to know or hear to get back on track. By just saying a simple prayer could help not only yourself but also help someone else in need. God wants us to be kind and loving and compassionate to whatever the circumstances are. Yes times may get very hard and make you question why would God do this why would God allow this to happen well to be very honest, most of what happens is based on your actions. God can only help you if you allow him to. You need faith. You need to believe. God can and will work in many different ways, but its up to us to follow him and live the life he wants. Im not saying by any means that anyone is perfect. We all have our own issues and drama, but I have been told over and over again that we ourselves need to pick our battles! The battles that we choose should be thought thoroughly and wisely. People today are mad and upset because this person has this and that or that person is dating the person you like, or he said this or she said that.. Well, get over it!! There are more important things in life. Little things should not overcome us. I see and hear of families falling apart because of nonsense and it is honestly ridiculous. In the end family and God are all you will have left. Friends come and go, thats old news. And when two people are happy and madly in love, leave them alone. Dont start no sh*t and there wont be none! God says that we are NOT to judge, that he is the only one who can ultimately judge us. When judgement day comes its all for one in the eyes of God. Everyone has their own questions and answers. Ask yourself, is it worth it? I can almost guarantee that it is not. Peace in your heart will make you happy. Destroying someone else should not. It takes time for people to grow up And mature, but it does not take a rocket scientist to know that with God all things are possible. We need God back. We need him in schools. We need him everywhere. Without him the world is just going to continue as it is. I, myself am very terrified of what the world is going to be like when my two-year-old grows up, and it scares me half to death. But I will not let that stop me from living my life in the Lords ways and teaching my daughter to grow in the way of The Lord! I want everyone who reads this to take just a short moment out of their day to just pray. Pray for whatever you want! Whether it be for you your mom your cousin your uncle your grandma your friend your child anyone.. Just pray!! I hope everyone has a God blessed day and really rethinks everything.. We all deserve happiness. Ill be saying a few extra prayers for the ones who need it most today, and may God touch them and give them all the strength they need to overcome this hard time! Xoxo
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:17:25 +0000

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