Many of us get a chance to say our last words, but rulers get a - TopicsExpress


Many of us get a chance to say our last words, but rulers get a chance to say them, as they say everything else, a lot louder. There are the pyramids, of course. Great conquerers and other jerks immortalize their accomplishments in giant arches and phallic symbols and carvings of LOOK ON MY WORKS YE MIGHTY, &c. Saparmurat Niyazov made a golden statue of himself that rotates to face the sun at all times. These dont have to be big and dramatic, necessarily, but its not like were going to put them up on Wikipedia. And then theres the last words that arent quite so triumphal. At the extreme end, you have Hitlers famous (and possibly made up by Albert Speer) Nero Order, demanding that Germany be burned to the ground like the loser untermensch nation it had proven itself. Or if you like your Austrians with a little less sturm-n-drang: He asked that his epitaph read: Here lies Joseph II, who failed in all he undertook.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:29:35 +0000

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