Many of us have absolutely HAD IT with todays Republicans and - TopicsExpress


Many of us have absolutely HAD IT with todays Republicans and their many insane attacks on women, the poor, our social safety nets, issues that matter not only to women but also to men, and to men who care about women.. It is right wing ideology and religious fundamentalism run wild. There is nothing Christian about it, either. Time to take these yahoos on full force, no holds barred, and without hesitation. I really do like President Obama - but he is just plain too nice. He hesitates to call the Republicans out fully and directly on their insanity. I dont blame him - they made themselves clear about how their #1 goal was to shut down his administration, from day one - with the pledge to Norquist and all that... the man receives a record number of death threats... He is attacked as much by the Left as he is by the Right.. He has done a great job under horrendous circumstances, coming on board when our economy and banking system were in tatters.. But we are out of the ICU and into the recovery room now.. And the Republicans have won too much and hold way too much territory, including our Supreme Court and the House.. We have to hold the Senate, do all we can to increase our hold in the House, and absolutely MUST win the presidency again. That veto pen is absolutely essential for a Democrat to hold - against the Republicans. But it is time for a strong, unwavering, uncompromising, plain talking, sarcasm edged, laser pointed and unapologetic voice to take them on. I wish we could bring Ann Richards back from the grave, but we cant. Besides using Hillary, we need to strengthen, support and encourage every liberal minded woman in Congress - and there are quite a few - to END the Republican war on women by calling it out and shutting it down for good. At least 70% if not more of American women are against the Republicans notions of who we are and how we should live. Against THEM defining our very existence. Who in holy hell do these wackos think they are, to try to grab us by the throat and dominate us like this!? Enough!!! Women are accused of being non-political and of not paying attention to politics and of going along with their husbands politics - and many do. But we who think for ourselves outnumber those who do not. It wont matter how we think and what we believe, and what we want, if we do not vote, and if we dont work to get others to vote with us. The Republicans are ideologically and religiously driven. They work much harder at politics than liberals ever do. How much control do you want to give up to them? Time to get serious - before it is too late. We have already lost far too much.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 17:50:18 +0000

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