Many of us (if not most) are upset by the recent injustices due to - TopicsExpress


Many of us (if not most) are upset by the recent injustices due to police brutality. The natural reaction is to protest, complain, black out your Facebook profile page, rally with placards, etc. Well at FBWO (as we have in the past), we suggest another more effective option. Marching and protests accomplish nothing. How can we say this with confidence? Because black folks have been marching and protesting for more than half a century and nothing has changed. America is a CAPITALIST nation and a CORPORATOCRACY. America only responds to a change in profit! So...instead of marching, complaining, Twitter hashtagging, why not boycott? Why not remove as much money out of Americas corporations as much as possible? Do you think America cares about your cries of injustice and pleas for humane treatment when [for example] Nike makes $25.3 BILLION per year, much of that coming from you? Do you think America cares about your injustices when the prison industrial complex is churning out high levels of production for minimal cost? Americas profiting off of YOU without any expectations from YOU. So why would anything change? Why would America change? Feeling political? Well why not minimize your spending thus decreasing the profit of Americas corporations in order to drive change? 1. By the basics in terms of food. Aim to buy only groceries from healthier stores and chains. Stick to produce, grains and meats (the outer lanes of the grocery) Dont eat out at restaurants. Do not buy their junk or processed foods. Avoid foods that require advertisements and boxes and long expiry dates. Take money out of the hands of the corporations who are poisoning you. 2. If you have clothes and shoes that fit, dont buy new ones. If you must buy clothes, go to smaller owned shops. Avoid major labels. 3. Avoid new car purchases, buy used and resale. Set up carpools among your friends to save on gas and transit. It worked well for the transit boycott back in the day. 4. Buy black-owned wherever possible. There is no excuse not to buy black-owned for beauty products. Check our notes section for black-owned beauty businesses to patronize. 5. Dont buy or pay for Hollywood films. Hollywood was created for the glorification of white images anyway. I personally rent and watch Nollywood films because they are entertaining and I see actors and actresses in my own image. Blacks in America have $1.1 TRILLION of spending power. Even reducing this by 25% you can drive change. I guarantee it. AMERICA RESPONDS TO A LOSS IN PROFITS. America does not care for complaints, protests, temper tantrums and begging. It accomplishes nothing when America is still getting your money. America only cares about money. So why not reduce how much you give her? Placards and Twitter hastags can NEVER speak as loudly as a nation-wide boycott. Your wallets and bank accounts will speak louder than any microphone or megaphone. They will have a bigger impact on America than any speech, song or sermon. Do you have the courage to keep YOUR dollars in YOUR pockets as much as possible and make America pay for the injustices your people faced over the past few centuries? I challenge you to either share this message, copy and paste in your timelines, social media accounts or blogs. We dont care to get credit. We are challenging each other to actually do something that is going to make a bigger impact than ever imagined.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 20:58:51 +0000

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