Many of us live in a Country or Community where we never seen - TopicsExpress


Many of us live in a Country or Community where we never seen Islamic Terrorist Groups Blowing up innocent People and displacing thousands, in the name of Islamic Conquest. I want to use this opportunity to encourage everyone of us to remember our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in prayer. Because i couldnt believe what i saw with my eyes when i visited Syrian and Iraqi Christians, Most of their grown up men, Husbands and Children have been killed and Behead by different Islamic terrorist Groups that operates in Syria and Iraq. But i also thank God that there are some Christian missionaries from Canada, US, Holland, Greece, Israel, Belgium that are with them, showing supports to them by providing clothes, foods, shoes and few other things for them and also pray and encourage them. I also think about the situation of Northern Nigerian Christians, Thousands has been killed and Many are displaced in the name of Islam, Their Houses, Churches, Schools and Business were attacked and burnt down and their land taken away from them by the Muslims who operates in name of Boko Haram. Its a very tough time for many People around the World, as we continue to see horrible news, Persecution of Northern Nigerian Christians continues in northern Sharia states, where Christian communities are often ignored by the local government and lack basic facilities such as clean water, clinics and roads. Christians in these states may be unable to access education, or be asked to deny their faith before being given employment. Boko Haram have changed their method of attack this year, from a hit-and-run style of operating to taking and holding territory. This poses a real threat to the church in northern Nigeria, as congregations dwindle and pastors are killed, abducted, or forced to leave as the members of their churches flee: there is a real danger of eliminating Christians and churches in Northern Nigeria there is also a real danger of eliminating Christians and churches in Syria, Iraq and Muslims next target will be Lebanon and Egypt where Christians have long been Persecuted for decades. Once again there is huge International pressure mounting against Jerusalem as Muslims want to claim it and use it as Islamic Capital. Its now criminal offense and capital punish to the Criticism Islam in UK, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, France and in some other Western Countries because of the Muslim LOBBIES, But its not a Crime offense when Muslims stage violence Protests across Streets in the West with different write up in Banners, Like BEDHEAD THE INFIDELS BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT THEIR PROPHET FREEDOM GO TO HELL, DOWN WITH DEMOCRACY BOMB UK, USA, GERMANY and so on. United Nation is now United Islamic Agenda, Muslims are the one determining what happens in the UN, who to be against and whom to supports, Its what is going on in the UN. United Nation Headquarter has become a room where World Leaders gather together and plot Evil against Israel. -------------- Your prayer will be a big help for our Brothers and Sisters suffering in Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Indonesia, Malaysia and other Places where Christians are being persecuted just because of their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. 2 Timothy 3:12 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, Psalm 122:6 Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. Hebrews 13:3 Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 14:44:45 +0000

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