Many of you and your friends saw my last post on changing beliefs. - TopicsExpress


Many of you and your friends saw my last post on changing beliefs. I’m humbled by the fact that so many are tracking with me. A few of you missed the point. Follow me: Scriptures tell us that the earth has ‘four corners’ and for a long time, Christians (along with everyone) believed the earth was flat. Only a flat surface can have four corners, right? Then observation (a new perspective) and experience (actually sailing around the world) showed that the earth is round. Christians called foul and got red in the face, but eventually (a hundred years later) the consensus reinterpreted the ‘four corners’ references to be metaphorical. What are your ‘flat earth’ beliefs today? Lets take the issue of the best way to discipline. Are you humble enough to be open to the possibility that what you now believe might be shown to be ill-advised one day? Or will you make your mind into a god you worship and so go down with the ship, insisting (as many did) that the earth is flat, refusing to consider the possibility of your groups misinterpretation? (This was a biggie for me with four children.) My beliefs have changed over the years, especially as of late, leading me a far greater experience of the Fathers love. For those who have read AD 30 you’ve seen my huge shift toward an utter wonder of Yeshua and the incredible power he offers for us in this life. Here are 3 of Yeshua’s teachings about love that might shut off a few lights in your brain. 1) Unless you hate your mother, father, children and spouse, you cannot follow me (Lk 14:26.) 2) Love your enemy (Matt 5:44.) 3) If you obey what I say, then you love me. If you don’t obey, you don’t love me. If you love me, I will love you (Jn. 14:21.) Staggering teaching that makes the head spin! They seem to contradict each other. (Love your enemy, and hate your wife, and if you dont obey me on this you dont really love me and I wont love you.) Say what? So what does it mean? I think his meaning in all of these makes for very, very good news for all of us, but I’ve only come to believe that meaning in the last few years. My beliefs have changed. If I explained my interpretation, many of you would think. “But of course!” and your new belief might well give you great courage for this life. Change in belief can be a very good thing. (Especially if your old belief was that the earth is flat and you’re trying to navigate around it, which is what we are all doing. Flat earth belief could made the trip difficult.) Then again, I could be wrong, (however unlikely ☺) and so I need to remain humble by not shouting down those who don’t agree with my conclusion. We all think we love the Word who is Yeshua. We also love the inspired words written which point to the Word (Jn 5:39.) It’s in our interpretation of those written words that our beliefs change. How about you, if you’ve made it this far down the post? I grabbed a handful of topics off the top of my mind. Pick a letter in which your beliefs may have changed at some point in your life. No need to elaborate, necessarily… Just curious... I want to know who reads these things :) A) What it means to love others. Truly love. B) What it means to be a believer C) How to best raise a child D) Judgment within organized religion E) The nature of the material world (Quantum physics etc.) F) What it means to love yourself G) What causes your illness H) You name it ☺
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 23:32:12 +0000

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