Many of you arent that political (your sanity thanks you.) Heres - TopicsExpress


Many of you arent that political (your sanity thanks you.) Heres what you miss out on by not following the batshit crazy fringes: This weekend theres a conference going on, CPAC. Its an annual conference where any Republican who wants to run for President tries to throw red meat to the base and gauge their interest. Christie, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Huckabee, Santorum, Paul Ryan, and Ted Cruz - all likely to run for the GOP nomination for President for the 2016 election - have spoken in the last two days. Its also run by crazy people who make a point to exclude gay and atheist conservative groups, ensuring all stereotypes about the GOP remain intact, and plays host to other crazy people and convicts. Bernie Kerik was in prison on a tax fraud conviction last year during CPAC, yet got a heros welcome this year as he discussed prison sentence reform (pretty sure he didnt see the light on that issue until after he was caught), Scooter Libby and Tom DeLay were there, Dinesh DSouza was pushing a movie there. Theres actually some people too crazy for even CPAC, and one of them, an Islamophobic birther named Frank Gaffney, created a competing conference and accused the CPAC folks of being tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. All the other misfits not allowed to speak at CPAC go to this conference, one of them being a retired general named Jerry Boykin. He told fringe website World Net Daily (the primary site that pushed birtherism, and all other hosts of conspiracy theories and paranoia) a few months ago that troops wanted to take out Obama but only didnt because a coup would be unconstitutional since Obama is technically a civilian. Hes also an executive at a fringe company called the Family Research Council that sends frequent emails gasping in horror that gay people are starting to no longer be treated like second class citizens. I know, because sadly, people forward those emails to me. Ignore the fact that Boykin once wore the uniform of the US Military, because hes a grade-A dirtbag, pure scum of the Earth. Today at the conference for people too looney tunes for CPAC he got caught on a hot mic joking that the Jews are the problem. Sadly, in the circles he has influence in, this may help, not hinder, his current career. So there you go. Arent you glad you dont typically follow this shit?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 01:55:02 +0000

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