Many of you have asked what you can do from so far away. Please - TopicsExpress


Many of you have asked what you can do from so far away. Please write to the Marion County Council as soon as you can. Please keep your comments professional and meaningful. Here is a template that may use in part or in full... Thank you so much for your support! I am writing as a supporter of Paws to the Rescue (PttR) to relay my outrage at the eviction yesterday of PttR from the Marion County Shelter. Despite the fact that PttR was not contractually obligated to provide any audit, PttR had agreed to provide one, had an auditor under contract, and had begun the audit process. But because it wasn’t done by the County’s arbitrary timeframe, PttR was evicted without a continuing care plan in place to ensure the safety and the welfare of the animals. We now have this utter catastrophe on our hands: • Over 100 dogs and cats existing in despicable conditions without experts who know animal behavior, how to administer medications, test for heartworm, give subcutaneous fluids, recognize early signs of disease like Parvo, prevent transmission of disease, or provide other care. Further, they don’t know how to socialize or contain dogs, temperament test, or properly care for animals post spay and neuter surgery. • Animals left alone in uncleaned kennels without meds administered, for over 24 hours yesterday – in a shelter that was likely to flood in the rain. • Untrained inmates (not “volunteers and staff”, as you had promised to the press) taking care of animals. As you know, the last time inmates took care of the animals, gross abuse took place on the premises, and the euthanasia rate was over 90%. This does not include the dogs that were sold out the back door to dog fighters. • An unclear future for any dogs who will end up in the Marion County Animal Shelter between the time PttR removes the dogs accounted for on transport and another 501c-3 agrees to run the shelter for a pathetic stipend of $53,000 a year. • Rumors of a free adoption event on 1/20, which if true, will result in countless dogs and cats in the hands of animal abusers, dog fighters, and people unwilling and unable to provide proper care for these dogs. Mr. Harper and the County Council, I ask that you re-instate PttR immediately to manage the operations and all animal care at the Marion County Animal Shelter. Allow the organization to complete the audit you unfairly imposed on them, and then do your due diligence at that time to determine if PttR is fit to run the shelter. If you determine that they are not, PLEASE DO NOT EVICT THEM AGAIN until you have a qualified non-profit rescue organization lined up to take over the responsibility on the very day PttR vacates, and allow for a 30-day transition period with a project plan so that NO animals suffer.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:44:20 +0000

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