Many of you have been asking about my recent diagnosis. After 7 - TopicsExpress


Many of you have been asking about my recent diagnosis. After 7 long months of coughing, I have been diagnosed with a rare illness called Broncholiths. Which is caused by exposure to certain fungus/molds. Looking at my CT Scan the doctor was able to see 2 large calcium stones in my lungs. One stone is larger than the other. The Smaller of the 2 stones is pressing against my airway and breaking apart, making smaller stones that are entering my airway, causing my lungs and throat to be irritated. This irritation brings on my constant cough. This illness is NOT contagious. As of today, I have coughed up 10 small calcium stones over the past 7 months. I have been referred by the WVU Ruby Hospital to John Hopkins Hospital in Maryland. I was told that at least one if not both of these stones would have to be removed by surgeons with the possibility of losing part of my right lung. Doctors at ruby have requested this be done as soon as possible, because of the stone pressing on my airway. They fear a larger stone could dislodge and rip a hole in my airway causing severe bleeding. We are waiting on PEIA to approve the surgery. As many of you know, I have little faith in PEIA and their concern for those they cover under their insurance. Im not dying, Ive just hit a speed bump that is going to slow me down for a little while. Ill be back better than ever once this is all done. Keep smiling, we have lots of work yet to do!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:13:49 +0000

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