Many of you have called into IPTV and apparently have been told - TopicsExpress


Many of you have called into IPTV and apparently have been told various things such as 1) the Hieb campaign has not requested to be on the debate, or 2)Wed wave the poll requirement if she met the other 4requirements, or 3) We dont have a filing showing the necessary funds etc. Let me tell you the truth. Of COURSE we requested to be in the debates. We have our lawyers letters to prove it, and a response from the Attorney General of the State of Iowa. And its great to say theyd wave the poll . Very clever. Because they know there is no way we can meet 4/4 of the remainder because I cant miraculously make the Libertarian Party recognized as a legitimate party by the State of Iowa. And we DO HAVE THE MONEY in the bank to meet the criteria, but filing periods dont reflect the latest contributions, and these artificial periods are set by the Secretary of State of the State of Iowa. See a pattern here? We are being ruled by political machines who set rules to keep themselves in power and to prevent others from questioning their ideas. And again let me state: we thought we would qualify after the Caffeinated Press poll. But the state AG thinks a statewide poll that excludes Independents and Third Parties is fair, and a statewide poll that pre-selects a Christian demographic but includes all possible candidates is not fair. Couch it in all the scientific gobbldygook you want, thats the naked truth. But here is the good news. After the mustached crowd has their day on IPTV, the rest of the debate will be held August 1 at 0900 on WHO Radio 1040. Jan Mickelsen will ask me the same questions and I will have a chance to weigh in with common sense, honesty, and without the burden of all that nasty special interest money coloring my answers. Ask yourself how Iowans benefit from the actions of IPTV, and also ask yourself this: If my campaign were so insignificant, why would Hatch and Branstad be opposed to have me in the debate? Perhaps I would expose the fact that their politics business as usual is corrupt, bankrupting the state, and destroying our moral compass and social fabric? Just a guess.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:05:23 +0000

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