Many of you have heard or know about whats been going on with me - TopicsExpress


Many of you have heard or know about whats been going on with me health wise since last December. If you havent heard, in a nutshell, I have been fighting cancer in my throat. Specifically my tongue. When I was first diagnosed it was decided to follow the radiation/chemo route to eradicate the tumour. That made for a particularly difficult early spring for me. I was in therapy from late February until early April. After a couple more months of recovery I was feeling better. So much so that my dear friend Connie Dolphin had me join the gang over at Cedar Cove to direct a couple of episodes. It was a bit tough getting back in the game but I did it, the show didnt suffer I dont think, and I had some fun. It was exactly the kind of confidence boost I needed to come back. But I definitely felt as though I hadnt yet gotten back to 100%. I took a bit of time off during the summer to help with that. Spent some time with my family at the cottage and that was awesome. I absolutely loved being there with everyone. It had been a few years since all of us had been at the cottage together. But even there, relaxing with the people I love the most, i never felt as though I was making headway to that 100% healthy mark. In fact, there were times I felt as though my recovery was going backward. It turns out it was. The post therapy PET scan showed signs of the tumour still present. They wanted to take another PET after 3 more months, then measure that against the first one. After the 2nd PET scan was done it proved positive the cancer had indeed returned. It looked like surgery was now the next step to remove this bloody thing. Soon after, my surgery was scheduled for Tuesday October 28th. It worked perfectly because I was shooting two episodes of Strange Empire with another dear friend Gigi Boyd, amongst plenty of others and would be finished just before the surgery date. It couldnt have been better timing. But it turns out it wasnt. With less than a week left to go before the surgery I phoned my surgeon concerned because my the left side of my tongue had gone nerve dead in just a matter of days. He called me in, and the next morning he checked me out. He informed me that the tumour had grown since we last spoke just 2 1/2 week prior. It had moved across the centre line of my tongue and had choked it dead on the left side. It was then he informed me of the new form the operation would take. What was initially going to be a fairly invasive surgery to begin with anyway had now become completely life altering. My surgeon informed me Thursday morning that he would be removing my entire tongue now, Glossectomy, along with my voice box, Laryngectomy. I will no longer be able to speak, not to mention not eating or tasting anything the way I used to. I will have a permanent tracheotomy at the front base of my neck in order to breathe. Now eventually I may master the use of electronic speaking aids provided the disfigurement from the operation is not too bad. And after some training I should eventually be able to eat food using my mouth, with a new tongue grafted from a portion of my leg. But the new tongue is not a tongue, and operates quite differently, not to mention there are no taste buds. Again, this will be dependant upon the level of disfigurement of my face and jaw. My family is amazing. Supportive of course, but strong willed with more than just concern and hope. They expect my recovery. They depend upon it. Anything but a full recovery is not an option. And I love that. They know that things will now change for us permanently. They accept that. They dont have to like it (and they dont) but they are getting real with it. Many of my dear friends have reached out as we spread the word. They too have the same response. There is no alternative. I will get through this. And its what I hope everyone carries forward. It will become the reality if we can all get behind it. So thank you all for the amazing words and gestures of support. Thank you for kicking my ass into shape. Kid gloves are not whats needed here. Tuesday is still the day I go in. Ill be in for 2 weeks VGH, then home followed by a couple months convalescing. After that who knows. I cant imagine I will have a directing career ever again. I dont write the way many of my friends do but, while its a long shot its likely my best shot. There is a couple of other things Ive already entertained but well cross that bridge then, next year will have to take care of itself. For now I have to get through this operation. Currently, spirits and confidence is high. Ive had so many well wishers yesterday and today. Its been beautifully overwhelming. If I dont respond personally to your comments please dont take offence. There is a lot going on in the next two days. Love and all the best, Gary
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:35:14 +0000

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