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Many of you have probably seen me posting about Kilimanjaro! Hopefully some of you are intrigued.. Take a read and have a think! *This is not only for people in Aber Uni* I know the phrase trip of a lifetime is dropped a LOT! But I promise you, this is true. Im sure most of you know I did Machu Picchu in August with Childreach and without doubt, I had the best two weeks of my life! I met some of the most beautiful people in the world, I experienced the perfect adventure and I have the photos to prove it! (although they truly dont do justice!). Im sure youve heard of people climbing Kilimanjaro for charity before now, and this is now your opportunity to do it! Without question, I know its going to be fantastic! There are two fundraising targets, £2650 and £1950. They both cover everything in regards to the climb, but the lower target does not include flights. This is in case you wish to book your own. The £2650 option also includes 6 days free travel around Tanzania, what you do in those 6 days will have to be funded by yourself however. Its worth it though, you can explore the white beaches of Tanzania or venture out on a Safari! The £1950 option allows you to return straight after the climb if you wish, or to even allow yourself longer travel. - but like I said that option causes you to book your own flights. You are also allowed to change your decision. The money you raise does not cover certain things however, such as insurance, visas and injections you may need. We are going out on the 25th of August, and coming back on the 9th of September. The factor that might cause you to hesitate is the £2650 fundraising target. Having been in the same position last year, I know exactly how you might feel! If this is something you definitely want to do, then dont let the target put you off! Honestly, it is perfectly doable! You will be surprised by how many people provide you with support and help you to achieve your goal! Once our Team is together, we can all help each other out! YOU WONT BE ALONE! Ill have your back every step of the way and so will the rest of your team! Reaching the top with the people in your team, is something that will be undeniably beautiful. Dont forget, the money you raise is going to a fantastic charity, that for me .. have been a real pleasure and benefit in supporting. Childreach International is great charity that works across the world helping in developing countries across the world aiming to improve health, education and rights through projects that intend to open up a childs potential and make them aware of everything they are entitled to! have a look here on their site if you wish to have a look at their background a bit more. I signed up just like you, thinking sweet kick-ass trip AND I get to help charity, thats good!.. and now I have a position where Im Team Leading for the very same charity! I also intend to do more with them in the future! This event offers you the chance to open up a relationship with a charity, that just like me, will benefit you in ways you havent even thought of yet! Just a quick reminder, the departure date is on the 25th of August! Which is my 21st Birthday! .. Another little something that should encourage you to come along ;) Here is a link to the Kilimanjaro event, have a look if you havent! When registering, select Aberystwyth University! Try and do it ASAP though, because spaces are limited! :( Registration is £195. You do have until the 13th of December to register, the sooner you do it, the sooner we can start fundraising together! & With Christmas coming up it would be beneficial to get some ideas down ready for the holidays! Just to repeat, SPACES ARE LIMITED! If this is something you really want to do, then please do! Dont let anything stop you! Do not worry about the target! If you fear the challenge of the climb, may be a bit much for you! Dont let that stop you either! You have the chance to challenge yourself and prove that you too are just as courageous as Bilbo himself! If you register please let me know, that way I can start getting to know who is in my Team! If you want to meet up and chat about things youre still unsure about .. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE! - 07794824806! Or just message me for information! I hope you decide to come along! Lots of love! Your (Hopefully) future Team Leader, Ryan Phillips xx
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:49:13 +0000

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