Many of you know I was probably the last person in the world who - TopicsExpress


Many of you know I was probably the last person in the world who wanted to be a mom. As someone who made much of her living entertaining kids I just plain didnt like them very much. But something happens when you become a mom. You see children differently. You start to defend them and other parents and feel empathy for those who are dealing with the embarrassment of a tantruming toddler in the middle of the mall. You want to hug them and tell them youve been there. It sucks. Theyll get through it and wine is always a great choice during nap time. What you DONT expect is someone who probably felt the SAME WAY I did about having kids allow their inner monologue to be heard. And you definitely do not expect it to be overheard by the mother. Let me break it down for you: We, (Jon, Jackson and I) head to the mall for a few last minute items and photos with Santa. We go into the Sees Candies store where Im looking for a quick gift. Immediately Jackson begins screaming. He is 2. He is in a stroller. Jon wheels him out quickly. I begin looking at the boxes of chocolates. I am standing next to the cashier counter and the cashier says to a customer, I dont know why they bring little kids in here while we are busy. All they ever do is scream. It takes me a second to register what shes talking about. I get indignant. I think to myself, You have no idea how hard it is to get things done with a toddler. Especially at a crowded mall during the holidays. Then it hits me. Shes talking about *MY* kid. I look at her. Shes rolling her eyes and laughing with the customer. I take about a 3 second pause. Then I put the nice box of chocolates down and walk out. Look. I know its tough working retail during the holidays. Ive done it. Its no fun. And I know its especially excruciating working retail at a mall during the holidays. And, yes, the sound of a two year old shrieking sucks. It does. But learn a little empathy. Have a little kindness. And for, at least, the sake of your job keep your fool mouth shut. Because another parent wouldnt have just left. I guarantee if Jon had overheard her the supervisor would have gotten an earful. For anyone else out there who sees a parent going through this struggle during the holidays please know they are not trying to make it a torture-fest for you. They are herding around a tiny human who has no filter on his/her emotions yet and sometimes all the toys and treats in the world cant calm the emotions to a more pleasant decibel. They are doing their best. On behalf of the 15 seconds my kid cried in the Sees Candies store: Im sorry if it disturbed anyone. On behalf of that cashier: I hope she learns to filter the crap that comes out of her mouth. And learns a little holiday patience. Lets all practice a moment more of kindness Lets all remember to love each other. And lets all have a wonderful rest of the holidays. #spreadsomelove
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:48:06 +0000

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