Many of you know me as the guy who ruins movies for you. In order - TopicsExpress


Many of you know me as the guy who ruins movies for you. In order to simply spoil everything up front to get it out of the way, I’ve decided to make this helpful public service announcement: 1. Luke was Leia’s father. 2. The Mandarin was Dr. Doom. 3. Bruce Willis was Keyser Soze the whole time. 4. Voldemort killed Gwen Stacy. 5. Brawndo was actually Soylent Green. 6. Tyler Durden was Mystique all along. 7. Zod shot Lester Byrnham. 8. In Oblivion, Titan is actually Narnia. 9. “Damn you! You blew it all to Hell, Spiderman!” 10. Gandalf the Grey came back as Ghost Rider. 11. Bane was secretly Alfred. 12. Hancock was actually powered by the scorpion jacket from Drive. 13. Who killed Emily Rose? Green Arrow. 14. In Shutter Island, Leonardo diCaprio’s actually playing his character from Gilbert Grape. 15. The Yellow King was a Terminator. 16. It turns out that Walter White’s biggest break came not from selling meth, but from drawing a circle on a cocktail napkin. 17. In the most recent Star Wars rerelease, Hal Jordan shot first. 18. In Star Trek: Into Darkness, Benedict Cumberbatch is actually a dragon.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:16:52 +0000

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