Many of you know my step-son Christopher. However many of you dont - TopicsExpress


Many of you know my step-son Christopher. However many of you dont know his daily battle with his kidneys. He was born with Alports Syndrome, and is one of the strongest most determined kids I know. He has never complained or wanted pitty for his disease, as he feels its all in Gods hands and his journey while he is here. The time has come to begin Christophers transplant process. The website below was set up to help him not have to worry about the cost of saving his life. Christopher will not let his illness affect his Fuel for Life. He is always on the move doing everything he loves which include training for a 10 mile run with little iron in his blood & spending time with his family and friends all while working a fulltime career. If your ever looking for an inspiration he is definitely it. I always tell him he is my NIKE symbol.. with his JUST DO IT! Mentality. Whenever I am down or feeling low his face pops up in my head and I get back up, as my set backs are in no comparison with his daily life. If you want to help Christopher and know more about what he battles click the link below. Please share his story. Thank you all so much in advance for your warm hearts and support for my amazing step-son.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:46:48 +0000

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