Many of you may recall Saddam Hussein’s mouthpiece, Baghdad Bob. - TopicsExpress


Many of you may recall Saddam Hussein’s mouthpiece, Baghdad Bob. He was known for his colorful personality and grossly over-the-top, idealistic propaganda. He’d glorify the invincibility of the Iraqi Army and celebrate the eternalness of Saddam’s rule. His broadcasts tried to fuel a cult-like public following that was totally controlled by state censorship. But in the early 2000s, the internet gave the world a glimpse of what dictatorial reign looked like. And Baghdad Bob became a laughing stock in the Western world, mostly because his lies were so blatant that they were actually funny. Well, fast-forward to today, and there’s a new Baghdad Bob in town. His name is Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary. He lives by the same mantra as Bob… “Tell a lie often enough, and it becomes a truth.” And his arrogance is almost as disgraceful as his hypocrisy. Read More at CapitolHillDaily . By Marty Biancuzzo.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 01:08:21 +0000

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