Many of you might know that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I - TopicsExpress


Many of you might know that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I am not a fan of the colonialist history, but I do really love spending a day being thankful that I have enough to eat and people who love me. Because of a conference starting tomorrow at 8:30 am in Toronto, I spent today flying from Vancouver and when I landed (cold and hungry and and alone in a holiday in a country full of people who do not seem to think its a holiday) I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I finally got to my airbnb, dropped my bags, took a shower and then finally yanked on my boots on and started walking to a grocery store. And then it started snowing. I looked up and smiled as I remembered Peter wishing for snow on our trip. I stuck my hands into the coat pockets of the coat I borrowed from Taylor. I tugged the hat I bought with Seth a little tighter around my head. I looked down at the jeans I got from Jane and underneath that I realized I was wearing a pair of socks that Im pretty sure Kristin left at my house. I showed up at the grocery store and laughed out loud. Its called Loblaws and all I could imagine was Leela and Simon talking about Arrested Development. Then I passed McGill street and my whole family was right there with me! As the snow hit my face and I saw holiday decorations around me, I thought with a complicated and heavy heart about the protests happening in the US around institutional racism and the protests happening here in Canada over the destruction of Burnaby mountain. And I know that why I am here is so that I can meet and work with and build up and support and connect amazing community builders and organizers and activists and leaders. Why I miss holidays is so that I can help people build the kind of community that I have. And while I am sad to be away from all of you today, I am ever so grateful that you are all in my life supporting me from afar, like little snowflakes kissing my face and reminding me that I am so very very very loved.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:55:02 +0000

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