Many of you might reason, Why do I continue to teach against sin, - TopicsExpress


Many of you might reason, Why do I continue to teach against sin, day after day without ceasing? And my answer is, for three key reasons: •Gods breathed Word which was deliver by men as they were being led by the Holy Spirit teaches against sin from Genesis to Revelation. •The adversary is constantly setting up distractions. Therefore, we need to be reminded that there is a way that seems right for a man, but its end is the way to death. The enemy of your salvation wants you to believe that just because salvation is secure [notice how I didnt say (your) salvation is secure] that you can just go on living any way you desire to live and still enter in through the narrow gate. The answer is: no, you wont be able to enter because the person who continues on living in direct defiance to God and rebelling against His Word was never saved, nor can they be saved until they rest their faith in Christ by believing with their heart. When that person believe it in their heart, then and only then will the Holy Spirit come into them to dwell. Thats where (their) salvation is secure. •Because somebody has to do it. Most ministers now will not preach that sin is wrong. In fact, they avoid the subject altogether. The only mention some will make is that we have been cleansed from it by the Atoning Blood of Jesus. And that is true. However, that is only part of the story. Jesus didnt say, Go forth and preach half the Gospel to every creature! Or does Grace teach us not to even obey Jesus? If thats the case, then why are we bothering to preach at all? Why even bother assembling ourselves? If Grace has cancelled all obedience to Christ and the Word of God then that makes the Holy Bible itself, useless. All of these suppositions are very contrary to Scriptures. Dont allow the Grace you think you have, earn you the Wrath you though you had escaped. Grace is not a license to sin, but a membership to keep you safe from it. Theres a fourth reason why I continue to teach against sin: because I love you. Sinning is erring. Erring is failing. All failures in our own strength lead to a renewed strength in Christ...which in turn lead to victory for the saints. The Lord allows us to fail to show us that we cant do it without Him. But once were able to acknowledge our weakness, He is able to reveal His strength in us, through us, towards us. Therefore, admitting that we cant, is the beginning of the Lord showing us that we can do all things through Him who strengthens us and loves us. Glory to God! Be blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:07:04 +0000

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