Many of you probably know, as I have posted periodically, that - TopicsExpress


Many of you probably know, as I have posted periodically, that Aden has been doing auditions for TV and film and has even landed a bunch of parts since he was under 3 years old. The trip from San Diego to Los Angeles takes two hours on a good day, most of the time it takes longer than that, and thats each way. Hes been okay with the long drive for the most part, but given the trip there and back and of course the audition time itself, it pretty much eats up an entire day. Over the past year or so, Adens agent has been able to offer to have him audition on video and then email the video to them. But Ive been noticing that hes been becoming more and more impatient about it. Between the time to memorize his lines and then doing the shoot itself. I cant blame him. I can tell you from personal experience how troubling it is when Im trying to record a guitar part and it takes me 10 times to get a simple part done just because of stupid mistakes LOL So I decided to come out right and just ask him. He is six years old now and hes a very smart six-year-old. I believe that he is smart enough to know what he likes and what he doesnt like and to trust him to distinguish between the two. So I asked him straight, Aden do you want to continue doing auditions? Do you like doing it or not? I assured him that answering honestly and that whatever he decided would not be a bad thing, that his decision will be respected. After a very short discussion, the conclusion is that he does not want to continue putting the time and effort into doing this type of stuff. So thats that. We agreed that were going to wait a year or so and see how he feels about it at that point. I also made sure to let him know that no matter what he decides he is loved either way and that whatever his decision, its ok. I appreciate everyones support immensely and how you all have rallied behind him, hoping that he would get the parts he auditioned for. While he did nail a few, lately its just been kind of touch and go. The time and money invested into the LA trips, and seeing his frustration in memorizing lines and doing the shoots for the video auditions, well it just doesnt justify the end result. More than that, I just want him to be happy and not have him feel like hes being forced to do something that, in his own little heart, he doesnt want to do. So thank you everybody for supporting him and wishing him well. Maybe he can start using the time to take up an instrument :-)
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:25:49 +0000

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