Many of you received this email earlier but here is the wall post: - TopicsExpress


Many of you received this email earlier but here is the wall post: I saw the radiation oncologist today after treatment (and yesterday I saw the oncologist doing the chemo) and both are very impressed with how my body is keeping up with the healing during the treatment. Both said that generally at this point people are not recovering fast enough to keep up with the treatment and therefore are in a lot of pain, morose and rarely mobile. But they insisted on how proud they are on how I am doing and surprised I am not relying much on pain medication to function. Also with the aid of neupogen injections, I have managed to sustain adequate levels of white blood cells despite the chemotherapy which has caused some bone aching due to the bone marrow producing white blood cells quicker than usual, however it has kept my immune system working properly thus far so it is a worthy trade-of. Cant sing victory yet as I am still getting 17 more treatments and I am currently attached to my last chemo dosage till Friday which may have adverse reactions in the next week or so, but I remain hopeful and faithful that with optimism and a positive attitude I will succeed. My last radiation is June 27th and both oncologists are rather confident Ill have a cancer free prognosis then and very unlikely that itll ever resurface. Im ecstatic and thrilled and happy and giddy and fortunately no hiccups today. Thank you for all the support, love and prayers. Lots of love and blessings in return.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 01:28:12 +0000

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