Many of you were asked recently to send prayers, positive - TopicsExpress


Many of you were asked recently to send prayers, positive thoughts, call on your angels, or whatever spiritual practice you choose in regards to Little Doves. As you may know, we had a hard time recovering from last winters (lack of) economical climate, and many improvements we wanted to continue to make went to the wayside in a struggle to simply stay open and keep up with the bills. I want to thank those of you who prayed for us - because it worked!!! Thank you all so much for your positive thoughts, prayers, and continued patronage. Little Doves will continue to keep its doors open and pay its bills, and i will continue to stay grateful for the opportunity to remain (self) employed, provide for my daughter, be of service and live in this beautiful place. Giving many public thanks also to Jefferson Economic Development Institute (JEDI), Great Northern, the city of Mount Shasta, California, and you. This is huge news and a profound gift i really still havent wrapped my head entirely around, but i feel so incredibly blessed. This also coincides with a VERY big birthday - Rosas got a very special one happening tomorrow but ill probably never hear the end of it if i tell you which one. All i will say is that she insisted on working tomorrow anyway, so go by and heap on the hugs and birthday wishes. I never could have done this without her and she means the world to me. Too, this was also one of the biggest birthday gifts i could have received! I turn the very unglamorous 41 on Monday, and if you would have told me five years ago that id be a mother of an angel, running a shop for kids at the base of Her Majesty and so sweetly supported by an amazing community that reaches much farther than this town, i would have thought you were crazy. When i came here, i was living out of my car with a toddler. Yes, its true. Dreams can be a reality. Many blessings!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:08:53 +0000

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