Many of you will recognise this pretty lady as our 4 yr old Roxy. - TopicsExpress


Many of you will recognise this pretty lady as our 4 yr old Roxy. Roxy came into rescue after her owners circumstances changed. She went into Elswick kennels , where she stayed for a couple of months. In that time Roxy went from wanting to eat strangers, to accepting strangers & totally ignoring them. Making friends with new people quickly,. with a gravy bone or 2. The change in her was amazing. Along comes a new foster home, a chap that I knew from working at a previous rescue, & after passing homecheck, he went to meet Roxy, with a view to fostering her on the 12th June.. He took her home, & we were hopeful this would be forever. However.... there were hints of a few problems, & a few things came to light with this chaps home life, that we werent told about before. Important things, that would affect Roxy. So, after her being there only 3 weeks, I had a long chat with this guy & told him Roxy needed to come back into rescue. One of our most long standing, experienced, trusted volunteers, Mary-Clare, went to collect Roxy on 5th July, at my request. Sadly the Roxy she was collecting wasnt presenting the same behaviour she did in Elswick kennels & Mary-clare got badly bitten. Ever the determined lady, she still transported Roxy back to Elswick. Before moving, Roxy had a very strong bond with Elswick, and adored Iain Begg, who could do anything with her, playing, teasing, etc. So it was a massive shock & upset, when she got to Elswick & was so aggressive she had to be catchpoled out of the car & into a kennel. I went to see her the following morning, & the change in her was unbelievable. She was so stressed/ scared/ aggressive & unpredictably turning. It was discussed we would see how she went over the coming days. 8 days later- she is better, & the kennels are managing the situation well, & Roxy is very slowly going back to the girl she was before. If she will ever be that girl again, only time will tell. We have no idea what happened to cause this dramatic change in her character. We have no desire to start any sort of witch hunt. But we have always been a very transparent rescue, & this is why we are telling you,. Roxy will remain at Elswick being rehabilitated .
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:12:50 +0000

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