Many people ask me how to change their mindset to be able to lose - TopicsExpress


Many people ask me how to change their mindset to be able to lose weight. First of all, you do not think yourself into changing a mindset. You simply do it. You simply make a decision and start walking in a direction. Dont worry about doing it perfectly, just do it. If you had started this time last year, think how far youd be now. There is no right or wrong way to lose weight. You simply release what youre doing now because obviously its not working or you wouldnt want to lose weight. You say, God I give up all the things I crave. I give them to you. I surrender them, I lay them down. Now, Father God, what do you give me in return. He may give you any number of things, but one thing I know He will remind you that you already have is His grace. His grace is not a mamby pamby sissy thing. His grace is the power to do what you couldnt do one second before you surrendered everything to Him. Its always full and complete surrender that activates the power of grace. Do you want the power that raised Christ from the dead to help you eradicate the weight that so easily besets you? You are going to have to surrender everything, completely. Hold nothing back. Lean totally on Him. Do what He says. Live in His presence and life will become sweeter than it ever has. The sweetness comes from living in union with Him and following His directions. #sweetchange
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 03:00:29 +0000

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