Many people at this time are seeing the evils in capitalism. - TopicsExpress


Many people at this time are seeing the evils in capitalism. Capitalism depends on racism. Remember the post I shared yesterday about the Egyptian man telling his story about racial classification and harassment. If you have not seen that please refer back to my yesterdays post. Racism is the key to capitalism and anyone who disagrees is dismissing key facts. I will break down a pattern here. Why separate children from their culture? Classification is the reason. Australia is a great example which is documented and can be seen in a film called Rabbit-Proof Fence. Aborigine women were raped. This resulted in half caste children. Those children were then kidnapped from their native parents and put into christian boarding schools to be reindoctrinated where all kinds of horrific things took place. They would grow up away from their parents and culture to be subservient to white people and white culture. Then to be married to white people, to be submerged in white culture and no connection to their native parents. Later to be classified as white. Classifications gave the European settlers more access to resources. This was done a weapon of warfare against the natives there. Sounds familiar? These Caucasians travel the world classifying people then claiming culture that does not belong to them. This is how they write themselves into history. Then you see white Egyptians, white Australians, white Americans in Hollywood as if they are the first. That is what makes white supremacy unique as it is a means to discredit others to create a place for themselves. They take, but have nothing to offer in return except pain. Then you will credit white as being the standard. Cultural theft and cultural annihilation as a means to become a world power is the foundation of white culture. It is about money and power, definitely. Capitalism as what we know today could not exist without racism. Once we recognize that then we understand why Mexicans are such a big threat, why Africans are despised, why Haitians are vilified, why Natives are silenced, and so on. These people are a threat to capitalism as what we know today.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:07:19 +0000

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