Many people dont understand why there is fighting between the - TopicsExpress


Many people dont understand why there is fighting between the Palestinians and the Israelites. Im seeing a lot of hate-filled meme imagery about it on here today... Heres the situation in a very brief nutshell: (obviously its missing some major events, but I cant write a novel) The Jews (who are Jewish and speak Hebrew), and the ancestors of the Palestinians (who are arab-speaking and Islamic) lived in the area surrounding Jerusalem for thousands of years. Jerusalem is the ancestral city of both groups, and holds many of the relics and holy sites for both religions. After World War II, the United Nations created the zone which is now Israel for the Jews (to give them a land of their own after the horrors of the Holocaust). The neighboring Arab nations didnt think it was fair that Israel was just carved out and given to the Jews, and they began to fight with Israel which continues in varying degrees to this day) The Palestinians were fought out of Israel, and forced to reside in areas such as Gaza Strip and the West Bank (exclave areas given to the Palestinians by Israel). The Palestinians want their ancestral lands back, or at least access to their holy sites in Jerusalem. Israel considers Palestine to be a threat to their sovereignty and security, and defends their country from groups, such as Hamas (the Palestinian government in the Gaza Strip), which want to gain access/ownership of those lands. Hamas is viewed as a terrorist group, because they use force to try to regain the Palestinian homelands. Israel defends its right to exist in the area with counter-force. In short, there is no good guy-bad guy in this conflict, in my opinion. Its a messed up situation that was created, in part, by England, the USA, and other Allied countries. Blaming the issue on Muslims is short-sighted and ignores history. Blaming it on the Jews fails to recognize that the country of Israel was made FOR the Jewish people, not BY the Jewish people. Feel free to debate this, but I will not tolerate racism, hate speech, or insults. Thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:08:50 +0000

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