Many people have a tendency to look down upon Christians and - TopicsExpress


Many people have a tendency to look down upon Christians and consider them to be bigots, racists or people who are prejudiced. People of faith who love Jesus are often misunderstood. Christ himself was misunderstood and they killed him for what? He forgave them, but yet they persecuted Him. Some people just walk in love. A dear friend reminded me this week of my cousin, Corby Fisher. Corby is the kind of man who never draws attention to himself. He just simply loves people, serves others and asks for no credit. He works as an artist at Hobby Lobby and has for many years. He is on a camera on Sunday mornings at Life Church because he is serving. He loves all people with all of his heart and asks for nothing in return. He is to be admired and thanked, but he doesnt do anything for mans rewards or accolades. Corby may be one of the Godliest people I have ever known and I am sure he will get on to me for writing about him, but when you are related to a person who has such a private testimony that you know is very real, its humbling. Corby has always loved everyone and there were no strings or conditions. He didnt care if you were shy or anything else, he just loved you. Couldnt we all be a little more like him? Isnt that what living out your faith really is anyway? To give to others whom may be different, hmmmm. Did you ever stop to thank people who have loved you from the past, who have been a friend when nobody else was? Someone who put their arm around you for no reason, other than being in church or part of a Sunday School class or community? I dont think Corby has an enemy. So why do I? Its simple. I have sometimes allowed my own pride and foolishness to come and infect my heart with bitter thoughts, with negativism and with wrongful behavior. I have kept score and found certain people I wanted to label as enemy. Should I act this way? No reason and I have been wrong many times. We are to love our enemies and I really hate that part. I am much better at the anger and frustration, even the distancing. Nope, we are to love ALL people. May God bless Corby Fisher all of his life, his family and all who are fortunate enough to know him. My mother had some incredible brothers and they have had beautiful families and so we have lots of cousins. Tonight, as I go to sleep I am thankful for the positive influences in my life that were not the celebrities, the athletes or movie stars, but real people who are just awesome and who help us be better. Isnt it funny that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Think about it tonight, before you go to sleep. Who in your past just loves you for you? They dont have an agenda, they dont have an impure motive, but to be a true friend. When you do, you will sleep a whole lot better and you will be one step closer to real freedom. This is what my God gives me, freedom. Free to share faults, free to be real, free to not try and fake my faith, free to stumble and free to celebrate lives who change my outlook. Have a great rest of the week…love you.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 03:54:44 +0000

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