Many people have started to ask why all of these Pro Freedom, Pro - TopicsExpress


Many people have started to ask why all of these Pro Freedom, Pro Christianity, Pro God people out there seem to all be putting Three Sevens after many of their account names on different social platforms, etc. Well, we can tell you that there is definitely something very Spiritual about the Three Sevens. Someone we know had mentioned to us previously that he had spoken with someone in the know about this subject. It’s no secret that those who follow the Devil worship the number 666. That number can be found everywhere, We can spot it in nearly every single TV show on television, and yes, it has been purposely put there by the Illuminati. This person mentioned that he was told that there is a giant war taking place, both a Spiritual and Physical one, between those who follow the Spiritual importance of God over man, as symbolized by the Three Sevens, or the 777, and those who worship the number of the Beast, or man over God, in the form of the Three Sixes, or 666. We can tell you that from personal experience, those who have received the Holy Spirit do usually have a special inclination towards the Three Sevens. You have people like author Steve Quayle, from Steve Quayle, who also chose the Three Sevens for his email account – SteveQuayle777@SteveQuayle. Now the reasons that each person who is on the side of God, and those who are promoting God OVER man would choose the Three Sevens is slightly different for each individual, but in the end, we can guarantee everyone that none of it is coincidence, and that all of it is connected for the exact same reason and for the exact same purpose in the end, which is to raise the thrown of God above all else in the eyes of men/women everywhere, while the Illuminati, or those behind the 666 agenda, are attempting to do the exact opposite, which is to convince all men and women that they themselves are “gods” and that they only need realize that in order to reach “enlightenment”. So in every sense, there literally IS a war going on between those who worship the true meaning behind the 777 correlation, which is God (In the form of The Holy Trinity), over man, shown in number form by the sequence 7 (The Father over man), 7 (The Son over man), and 7 (The Holy Spirit over man), and those who worship 666 or the perversion of the same. This war is taking place, and so because of that, you will definitely see the number 777 pop up more and more as the days pass on. So in essence, this number sequence actually goes much deeper than just a symbol associated with luck and good fortune, as has been previously recognized by many different cultures around the World. When it comes to the number 666 and how it is represented and displayed nearly anywhere and everywhere in society by the Illuminati, many times they will symbolize it with letters as well, where they will have three figures or persons or creatures each with a G on their outfit, stand side by side, if only for a second, to show the significance of the number 666. Why G? Because like the letter W in Hebrew, as in the World Wide Web or , G represents the number 6 in the Latin alphabet because it is the 6th letter. It’s no secret that the Illuminati are BIG on Latin, as in NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New World Order), on the back of an American one dollar bill. Actually, the word Illuminati itself is Latin, and it means “Holders of the Light”, or the “Enlightened”. So three G’s grouped together, like in the name of the 3G Network created by the Illuminati, represents the number sequence 666. In Hebrew, the number 6, represented by the letter W, or the letter Vav, can also be symbolized by the letters V and W when they are coupled together, as displayed in the Illuminati owned automobile company known as VolksWagen, (with it’s VW symbol). Upon closer inspection, you will notice that the VolksWagen symbol actually displays three W’s, or 666 in Hebrew, and so like with many other things, you will see the Illuminati place it in many of their TV shows as well, and also within the symbols for many of their company logos. You will see this number 666 being hidden in plain sight in and on everything from movies, to video games, to sports team logos, to educational institutions, to government buildings and addresses, to company logos, to magazine covers, to adds and commercials, and to nearly every single visual thing you can think of in your head that is shown TO you rather than in what you yourselves choose to see. There is an important correlation, connection, and separation to be made there as well, because most of what is shown TO you rather than what you WANT to see is created, owned, controlled, and operated by the Illuminati and other Satanic elements of society. It’s those who are in the higher levels who are responsible for putting them out there to the public in the first place. Ok so back to the number 777. Why is the number 777 so important? The number 7 is a very important number, and one that we know from the Holy Bible to be one that is close to God’s Heart. It can be found in numerous locations in the Bible. The number 7 actually is a representation of God over Man, in number form, because the number of man, as we know, from the Bible, is 6. The number of the man who is to be the Anti Christ, is three sixes, or 666. So by placing the number 666 in plain view everywhere, what the Illuminati is really doing is attempting to place man over God, in front of everybody, and to show everyone in the world that they are behind the agenda for making that happen. The number 7, on the other hand, represents the opposite, or God over man, as symbolized in the sacred symbol of the Menorah that represents the 7 points, with 6 shorter ones equal in height, representing man, and the seventh and middle one, being the tallest, representing God. This is where we get the significance of the number 7 representing God and it ruling over all of the other 6 points on the Menorah. This then becomes 777 which is the equivalent in the numbers world of God in the form of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, above man, always and forever. Contrary to popular belief, however, we do not believe that the number 7 is the most important number in the Bible or even in the World for that matter. Though it is no doubt one of the most significant. As far as what the most important number in all of existence is, from a Spiritual perspective, we personally believe that this title only belongs to the numbers 1, and 111. The reason for this is because when it comes to numbers, we do believe 100% sincerely that the number 1 is the actual representation of God in the form of a number. 1, as in ONE God, ONE Creator of all Life. One Alpha and Omega (Beginning and End). This can also be looked at as the ONE point on the Menorah which is the tallest and separate from all the others. The only other way to symbolize God in the form of numbers in our opinion would be in the form of the number sequence 111, or as 1 (symbolizing One Father), 1 (symbolizing One Son), and 1 (One Holy Spirit), as the Holy Trinity. ONE God, in three parts, still being ONE in each part, with all of those parts being ONE with each other, and with all of them pieced together to form the ONE True Living God. This may also help to explain why so many people out there, even more so than with the number 7 in most cases, seem to have a natural inclination towards the number 1, or, 3 ones, side by side, or even 4, as in 11:11, although even at 1:11 AM or PM on a clock most people stop to take a second look and stare in complete awe until the clock strikes 1:12. Definitely, I would say though, the number 1 has been, and should continue to be, the most popular number in the world overall, because it represents God in all of His majesty, as in the ONE True God, the ONE True Creator, the ONE Way, the ONE Truth, and the ONE Life. The ONE thing which ALL other living things came forth from. The ONE reason for living at all. The ONE and only Source of anything Good. The ONE. God Bless.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 22:04:00 +0000

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