Many people of our time were living and recall readily the days of - TopicsExpress


Many people of our time were living and recall readily the days of Dr. Martin L. King, especially the march, “we shall over come” and his famous speech “I have a dream”. How much more do we recall about the earlier days. We seem to remember and rejoice in the fulfillment of what he accomplished and it’s’ cause but not so much a few other key things. First of all the Black people were oppressed in many ways as to being of “God’s Children” and not considered worthy of so being. Dr. King knew this was so wrong and he also knew a few other things which would be necessary to “over come”. He knew there is strength in numbers, he knew the Black People had to come to the realization just as the “children of Israel” had to when down in Egypt making brick for the “establishment”. He knew they were not created for that kind of live. Dr. King apparently realized for the Black People in America to occupy “their Canaan”, a land of rest they had to take it, but take it in a much different way. Their Canaan would be taken in a peaceful way, a much different way because the “Will of God” always prevails. We have been told that before the march began the marchers were told that no matter the amount of name calling, provoking for violence they were to “turn the other cheek” so to speak and keep their eyes on the objective. Dr. King made a statement in the early days of fulfilling his dream that I very much disagreed with then and later recognized he was correct. I did not understand his statement as others did but as if the way I understood it was the right way. I did not take into consideration the context of the statement. He said words which meant “an unjust law should be violated”, Let us selah, pause and meditate on that statement. But of course there are civil laws that people believe that are wrong and perhaps even so for the individual and they go ahead and violate them. This is by no means what Dr. King was saying and I didn’t have the “good sense” to think he could be right. God’s laws are what we refer to as “natural law” and also is the supporting foundation of our constitutions and supposedly our civil law derived out of the “natural law”. There can not be a wrong natural law of God, period!!! People who do not understand or accept this needs to go back to “square one” and get a grip on the basics of life. That had to happen for me to understand what was meant. Actually without explanation God’s law IS no one is created better or worse than another. God’s law demands dignity and respect for each other. God’s law demands charity and so much more as to not be unjust. I believe that Dr. King was suggesting that civil laws which are clearly and directly opposed as a hindrance to God’s Law dealing with humanity are not to be obeyed. We can “conjure up” scripture (and take it out of context) about obeying the civil law of the land as in “give to Caesar what belong to Caesar” and other teaching coming out of Roman Rule over mankind. Yes all government are permitted by God be they good or evil and make no mistake about that, What this “boils down to” is an evil government is better than no government where everyone does the things which suits them. Anyone who does not understand the “concept” (truth) that all of mankind born of woman was in Adam when WE sinned and failed to glorify God will have an inaccurate view of mankind. We were born having a nature toward sin because our original condemning sin had not been pardon. Once pardon (life/soul) regenerated it is a life that must live in for a while in which we started many ages ago, and yes we did exist a hundred, a thousand and a million years ago in the “genes of Adam” to be passed on down. This is not meant to be thoroughly understood in this life time, but who care among us. But the question is who dares believe it? The scriptures teach (as I understand) there is a purpose for mankind to remain on earth for a time after being regenerated. The scriptures teaches that God send the rain on the unjust as well as the just. The provincial care and love of mankind is the same. This is a must as God does not exercise His attributes in any way where one attribute is opposed to the other, Back in the earlier days of Dr. King’s movement I went along with the majority who said obey the law until it is changed and that within its self is a valid statement with respect to civil law. And yes I do consider the civil law “affordable healthcare act” to be in violation of God’s law, as well as our constitution. Now to the “crutch”, to where the rubber comes into contact with the road; if we have an option to obey aa in take the government insurance or not what are we doing if we join the “crowd”? However, if there is a choice what influences our choice? Do we violate God’s law for humanity if we choose the lower road that is paved? Then there is the questions of how much committed to God’s laws of humanity can one decide for, all or none and is our faith commitment strong enough to ultimately be jailed for Christian values? These are very hard questions and I suppose they are question which can be treated on an individual bases. I have no idea if it is true or not but have heard there is a couple groups of citizens who make it no secret that while they must live in this world it is their conviction to not live the way of the world, and their “religious right” under God’s law (natural law – constitution) is not being infringed upon. If this is so it make me very proud and I contend this is what men and women have gave their lives in holding to these truths. Okay, this is about where “all of this” is headed, in my opinion of course. After a while of being more and more made to submit (making brick) for the ruler of Egypt (some Republicans and some Democrats) will there be a modern day Moses raised up and say to the people, have y’all forgot your covenant. The people will asked this Moses “Just who are you to be leading a “million person march” not to Selma but to the “fenced in” no admittance of the White House? It could happen, but most likely won’t. But just imagine that it will happen, then what? Could it be this million people who marched to the White House the President would come out (with his armed guards) and say “I will compromise”, y’all get on our of here and while you are leaving go by the treasure building and you will be given back some of you tax money.” So far so good but Mr. President changes his promise (as expected) and sent several thousands “navigator” (a.k.a. Gladiators, agitators, etc.) after the people. When the people arrive at the Delaware River they find there is no bridge to cross over on. This modern day Moses did once hang out with the “Establishment” and quickly decided to call on the Seabees to come and help the people out of dilemma. After all the Israeli Air Force known to take care of business, uh bad stuff could not reach the Delaware (“Ben-ware) soon enough to save the Lord’s Ambassador Moses The Seabees being a Navy Unit pretty much the same as the S.E.A.L.S “turned two” and laid down a bridge and all the people crossed over and when the “Glad-never” loaded up the bridge attempting to crossover to, guess what, it fell in and goodbye navigators.. Since there was no need to “circumcise people in the flesh” as a sign of being a believer after crossing the Delaware (a Jordan crossing) this modern day Moses had the people to assemble and pledge allegiance once again to the banner that represents a nation “under God with LIBERTY and justice for all. Think about this, is this not a pledge for Liberty and is there a depth or finish line to Liberty? The end of the story is a glory land march, marching on to victory; it is one that overcomes and how do we know (faith in action) that, because we became as little children depending on our Heavenly Father to catch us when we fall and lift us up on the journey; we know because “the bible tells us so”, WE WIN.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 17:40:33 +0000

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