Many people take relationships for granted, though not in the way - TopicsExpress


Many people take relationships for granted, though not in the way youd normally expect. Every day I see people on my Facebook News Feed (that dont have Aspergers Syndrome) complaining about not having a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a partner, or a spouse. They post regular, and often irksome, internet memes about how it feels to hold someone in their arms, how theyd love to kiss someone in the rain, and how theyd do anything to experience that euphoric sense of happiness that comes from establishing a friendship, or a relationship. This attention seeking behavior is usually very irritating. These people typically end up finding someone a week later, only to discard them down the line, complain again, and find someone soon after, creating a continuous cycle. Theyre not appreciating what goes into making an honest connection. And in a sense, as you can see, they take friendships, and relationships, and the ability to make relationships for granted. Unfortunately, many Aspies lack the ability to communicate effectively, and thus are very lonely, making a connection with other people seem an impossibility. Simply telling us, Go outside, make some friends, isnt going to work. So next time you feel like finding a little sympathy when you feeling a little lonesome or bored, remember there are many Aspies like us who want nothing more than to simply have a friend. Because Aspies are some of the most loyal, intelligent, trustworthy and heartwarming people you can ever meet. -Danny :P
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:53:47 +0000

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