Many people these days, who consider themselves as followers of - TopicsExpress


Many people these days, who consider themselves as followers of the “Dharma” and expect to enter ‘Svarga’ [Heaven world] after their physical death, when confronted with any sort of prevailing corruption start questioning in their confused mind, whether it is appropriate for them to take a stand against their own corrupt relatives and friends, who are living a corrupt life ???????? This question was also raised in the Dvapara Yuga by the mighty Arjuna [Nara – Bound Personality in Physical form] to the Lord of All Yogis “Shri Krishna” [The Higher Solar Consciousness - Narayana] in the battlefield of Kurukshetra [The physical plane of incarnated form life, which is the ‘Area of Actions and Reactions’]. The Great Bhagwad Gita compiled by Sage Ved Vyasa as Concise form of “Bramh Vidya” states this fact in its 2nd chapter of “Sankhya Yoga”, when Arjuna [The bound personality in physical form] facing his corrupt relatives and friends, who under the influence of false Ego and material glamour of the physical plane were ready to fight him in this physical plane of Actions, thus questioned his higher Solar Conscious Atma friend [Lord Krishna] Sanskrit Verse: न चैतद्विद्मः कतरन्नो गरीयो- यद्वा जयेम यदि वा नो जयेयुः । यानेव हत्वा न जिजीविषाम- स्तेऽवस्थिताः प्रमुखे धार्तराष्ट्राः ॥ [भगवद्गीता, द्वितीय अध्याय, शलोक ६] Hindi Meaning [भावार्थ]: हम यह भी नहीं जानते कि हमारे लिए युद्ध करना और न करना- इन दोनों में से कौन-सा श्रेष्ठ है, अथवा यह भी नहीं जानते कि उन्हें हम जीतेंगे या हमको वे जीतेंगे। और जिनको मारकर हम जीना भी नहीं चाहते, वे ही हमारे आत्मीय धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्र हमारे मुकाबले में खड़े हैं॥ Bhagwad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 6॥ English Meaning: We do not know whether if it is appropriate for us to fight or not to fight, and which is better action. We also do not know whether we will them or they will win us. And after killing them we do not want to live anymore, those same sons of our close relative [Parental Uncle] Dhritrashtra are standing in front to do a battle with us. And after such questioning by the confused ‘Bound Soul Personality’ [Nara - Arjuna], it took the wisdom of 18 chapters, which was explained in detail by the Higher Solar Consciousness [Solar Spirit Lord Krishna], in the battlefield of Physical action plane [Kurukshetra], and later compiled in the form of ‘Bhagwad Gita’ by VED VYASA, who incarnated to explain the True Understanding of the HIGHER SELF [SOUL] which guides the Bound Personality living in incarnated Human form. Many humans belonging to various ancient and current religions of this world are not aware of this Important HIDDEN FACT that the Great VED VYASA was none other than the LORD GAUTAMA BUDDHA himself, as well as the great teacher THOTH [HERMES] of the ancient EGYPT, and the ZOROASTER of the ancient PERSIA who taught the Sun and Fire Worship to the Mankind, the great ORPHEUS revered by the ancient GREEKS, and later he appeared as the Master JESUS CHRIST, and many more GREAT ROLES he also played in this world upon the teachings of which are found various important religions of this world. He continued incarnating again and again in Great Roles till our current times in various races and creeds of human races, to guide them to follow the ascending evolutionary path of liberation, and free themselves from the clutches of these most corrupt material Asuras [Demons] calling themselves as the Gods and Goddesses of the three world planes [Trilokas], who have illegally and deceitfully hijacked the evolutionary plan and purpose of the Most Benevolent Creator Logos of the Infinite Universe. Now being at the end of the evolutionary line, it is up to all the visible and invisible evolving entities and beings to wake up from their deep slumber of ignorance, and fight the decisive ‘’Battle of Dharma’’, just as at the end of the divine discourse by the higher self [Lord Krishna], the confused Arjuna [Bound Personality] after clearing his mind through consciousness expansion of divine light took up his arms to fight the Corrupt relatives and friends, who were immersed in the demonic influence of material glamour. Jai Ho. Vashisht Vaid. Master of Masters.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:30:13 +0000

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