Many people today, especially the Leaders of the COGs, teach this - TopicsExpress


Many people today, especially the Leaders of the COGs, teach this scripture to apply to them Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Generally, I guess it does apply to the Church as a whole. But NOTICE! Verse 20, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Who was He talking to? Who is you? Notice verse 16. Mat 28:16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. So it was the Apostles He was talking to! So this is a command for the Apostles to Teach what Christ taught them! What about evangelists? Was He specifically talking to evangelists? No! The Bible clearly explains that evangelists are under the authority of the Apostle. Christ sends the Apostles. The Apostles send the evangelists. Mr. Armstrong explains this very well. In Mystery of the Ages, chapter 6 he says So notice, too, the Church conducts various operations. For these in the one Church there are also various administrations or executive departments, with an executive manager over each department or operation (verses 4-6). Remember, an executive administrator does not set policy or procedures or doctrines. He administers—he carries out and directs—what has been already set from above. Even in this world, in the United States the President does not make the laws. He administers the policies as functions authorized by Congress—enforces the laws made by Congress. Administrators are set in the Church merely to supervise, direct, execute the policies, procedures, doctrines assigned to them from above... ...Evangelists were leading ministers, proclaiming the gospel to the public, even raising up local churches and having supervision over some churches under the apostle. Therefore an evangelist may hold executive functions under the apostle in the Church headquarters or work today. An evangelist is not necessarily stationary. This is PLAIN! An Evangelist is to teach what was given to him from those above him! That is GODS GOVERNMENT! He does NOT set Doctrines, policies, or procedures. The Apostle was given that! The Apostle of the Philadelphia Era of Gods Church was/IS Herbert W. Armstrong! And what was set as DOCTRINE cannot be overturned by ANYBODY! That is WHY Revelation 3:11 says hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. This is Gods message to YOU, especially the EVANGELISTS under Mr. Armstrong. But is that being done? Are the Evangelists that was under Mr. Armstrong, teaching what was taught them? Are they being FAITHFUL? No, they have taken and usurped Gods Authority that was given to ONLY an Apostle! Now that comes down to is there an APOSTLE today? The Bible says NO, theres not. One appointed himself, because he changed the books and booklets that he bought, and only an Apostle can change doctrine, and set doctrine. But Peter didnt change Pauls teachings. Mr. Armstrong did NO SUCH THING! That disqualifies himself from apostleship, because there are NO FRUITS of one. Another one says There has to be an Apostle so, Here I am(paraphrasing this last quote of course) There are NO FRUIT of apostleship from Christ! But there is Fruits of apostleship from Satan. Self Appointed men. No These dont teach what was taught them. So what are we to do? Those alive who were evangelist ranked are very few. All the COGS teach that their leader is something. So they call themselves apostles. That knocks off PCG, RCG, etc,etc. Some teach that they are no longer Evangelists, but just elders(which applies to every rank of the ministry, according to the Bible) That knocks off UCG. There were many who were marked and disfellowshipped by Jesus Christ under the Authority of the Apostle, so that knocks off CBCG, GCI, etc,etc. What is left?... Who is Left?... Roderick Meredith, Richard Ames, are the few who hasnt appointed themselves Titles which were not given them. Now let me stop you right there! Im not promoting them, as Ill explain. They do not by words, appoint themselves. They do not stamp themselves with APOSTLE. But they do TAKE the Authority given ONLY to an Apostle! They have changed DOCTRINE and set NEW Doctrine that contradicts Jesus Christ through Christs Chosen Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong. They are NOT Faithful ministers. They are being watered down, and are falling away. And those that follow them on that path also. They are following the path that Garner Ted did, taking authority not given them. And by REJECTING Christs Authority that was given to their superior, Herbert W. Armstrong, they reject Christ. They Reject Gods Government. Listen to Gerald Waterhouses sermons and apply to what you hear him talking about Garner Ted, and apply it to them. That just exposes them as Laodicean. Now we do not hate him. Nor do we incite rebellion against them. If you are in the LCG or any of the COGs, and you come to the light of the Truth, Gods Truth. Dont start a rebellion riot. Bring it to your minister. You are under their authority, and if God is not with the ministry, then most likely you will be suspended and kicked out, and marked from their church for speaking Gods Truth, and standing up for God. But if they take it to heart, and repent, then good for them! If they reject God and Gods truth, and if you stand with God all through it. They will reject you! God will bring it to light. Our Family didnt place ourselves under their authority, we put ourselves under Christ Authority under His Apostles Herbert W. Armstrongs. We for a short time, voluntarily and blindly put ourselves under Gerald Flurrys authority, but at the same time under Mr. Armstrongs. We were lukewarm in retrospect. But God opened our eyes, and NOW we have placed ourselves COMPLETELY under Christs Authority. We were kicked out of the PCG BECAUSE of it! We came back Under Christ and Mr. Armstrong. If the ministers repent and teach what was taught, we will do so with them. We do not appoint ourselves as leaders. We do NOT despise Authority. We are but Laymen, who are Holding Fast to what was taught by Gods Chosen Apostle. Gods Philadelphians are told to Hold fast to what Mr. Armstrong, what the Bible taught, what Christ taught through Herbert W. Armstrong. And Christ commanded us NOT to fellowship with those who teach CONTRARY to what the Apostles taught. NOT to listen to them. But those Lukewarm, wanting a place in a congregation. Wanting Fellowship WITH PEOPLE over Christ and His Truth. Wanting to disobey God and get as close as possible to the Lake of Fire, and still make it. They, will listen to false ministers. They will go and hold Church services with them. It is like trying to grow wheat in a field of briars! They will get choked out. And lose out, in the process, if they continue with them. All we can do is Pray, Fast, and Bible Study and get back on TRACK with God. That means going back and Listening to what Jesus Christ had to say through His Apostle! And HOLDING FAST to it! Those who dont in time before the Tribulation, the only thing left to WAKE THEM UP is the Great Tribulation. Too many are fellowshipping with those who OPPOSE Gods Apostle! They fellowship with those who WERE disfellowshiped by Jesus Christ by Gods Apostle. But will that help them grow? How can a wound heal, when they are cuddling up with those with a Contagious SPIRITUAL Disease? Listen to what was TAUGHT, because time is SHORT. Lets Get back on TRACK! kiwi6/file/z9n224kh0p
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 03:35:32 +0000

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