Many political analysts believe that the Pakistan army is - TopicsExpress


Many political analysts believe that the Pakistan army is repeating the history of East Pakistan when it launched a brutal operation against the Bengali separatists that led to the dismemberment of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh in 1971. It is argued that the Pakistan army was not successful in East Pakistan because the Bengali separatists were backed by India while East Pakistan was physically separated by West Pakistan with more than 1,000 miles hostile Indian territory. East Pakistan was the largest province of Pakistan with 51 million population while Balochi speaking population is only 6.2 million which is easy to crush by Pakistani Armed Forces which rank seventh in the world in term of active troops. opednews/populum/pagem.php?f=2-000-kilometers-long-marc-by-Abdus-Sattar-Ghaza-Army_Balochistan_Hatred_Intelligence-140301-693.html
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 17:32:00 +0000

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