Many ruses have tried to explain why people are greedy or that - TopicsExpress


Many ruses have tried to explain why people are greedy or that greed is good. But what they all boil down to is greed is bad. Increasing minimum wage gets rid of jobs, they say. Helping people is bad. This goes against Darwins evolution -- survival of the fittest. However, if you are rich, then surviving by any means is all right. People know how to share, be loving, kind, forgiving, and, in general, help others. There are all kinds of reasons for being greedy but they are all wrong. Those less fortunate need to be helped. If a group gets too far ahead of others, a divide, or split, causes friction and much trouble. We are all one under God. A pulling apart, or division, is like splitting an atom. It releases much power and violence. It wants to get back together for we are one. Poverty unchecked breeds disease and violence that spreads to all sections of society. Trying to forcibly suppress it creates more violence and opposition. In fighting terrorism with terror, we only create more terror. We unleash the genie of destruction. We dont want to hear that we have created the means of our own destruction by what we have done. The list of crimes the U.S. has committed is awful. A major one was against Japan dropping the bomb after many had said the war was already over. We did it to threaten the Russians. We were after one world control even then. Fire bombing Dresden after we had won was pure destruction. We removed elected leaders and killed them then installed puppets and when they rebelled killed them. The story goes on and on. In the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s it was against communism, now its against terrorism. But its all done in the name of greed or power. History needs to be rewritten with the truth of what we, and others, have done and why. One of the tools of greed is finance and interest. Many people are saddled with finance and interest to the point that they become slaves. They are afraid of losing their job and possessions. Workers are afraid to go on strike for fear of losing their possessions. The finance and interest control their lives, their thoughts and actions. People are not only controlled by finance and interest but business and even countries are as well. The finance charges can be changed at the whim of controllers. The world system is controlled by Satan, the spirit of greed. There are many biblical scriptures about these things. I will cover those in a separate section. God is in control; everything is going according to plan. We dont really die in this world. Our spirit goes to God and we are still alive. He allowed Satan to take over the world, we are to learn from all this that greed is bad and love is good. Let us be motivated by love. Its all a play and we are the actors. Play your part well with courage. Seek truth and justice and you shall find God. Some actors, in the game of life, that I admire are Jack London, socialist, a truth and justice seeker. Eugene Debs was jailed in Terre Haute, a few miles from where I was born. He received a million votes for president on the socialist party ticket while in jail. Idealists, socialists, Utopians, Christian communists, Southwest Indiana was full of them. They surrounded Abraham Lincoln. New Harmony was one Utopian settlement. All who seek truth, justice, kindness, fruits of the Spirit, I admire. Communism was to work for a society that each received according to his need and gives according to his ability. Thats right out of Acts 4:32 where all believers shared. Selfishness and greed got in the way. In heaven, this just society will be realized. In the meantime, the play goes on. Be happy and trust in the God of love, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, truth and justice for He is all of these things. Jack London became disillusioned with socialism, especially self-centered socialists. Its a shame he couldnt have become a Christian. I would have liked to talk with him. I think heaven will look favorably on him because of his love of truth and justice and his care for fellow mankind. We must endure to the end of our journey and with Gods help we can do it. The real Utopians, socialists Christian communists, are few. Its easier to go with the flow. The same applies to Christians. The path is narrow and few will find it.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:17:29 +0000

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