Many salutations!!! Having studied history, it is my - TopicsExpress


Many salutations!!! Having studied history, it is my understanding that the United States has visited unto Iraq three wars: the first when we helped against Iran, the second to help stalemate Iraq on Kuwaits behalf, and the third because Saddam Hussein did not want to continue participating in the petrodollar economic system (which I am sticking to like glue no matter what anyone says!!!); going further back in history, we should not be surprised that Iraq is having these issues because the British decided to punish the Middle East even though it wisely sat out the World War II after World War I broke up the Ottoman Empire. I urge you to face fact and reality. The sectarian feuds in the Middle East have long-standing root causes that go back many decades; unfortunately, in spite of its immense technological prowess, the Occident does not have the capability to address any of these complex root causes and has in fact made things a lot worse. Petroleum is in immense demand throughout the First World and has led to a resource extraction business model whose lucrativeness has long-standing environmental consequences that will inordinately linger even if we were to repudiate fossil fuels at this very moment. Since the Middle East has made it very clear that it wants distance from us and that ignoring this volition has not worked to our benefit, why do we not heed it this time around? If I were in charge, no Middle Eastern country would get any foreign aid nor any civilian commerce of any kind. I would also take things a step further and deny the use of the Occident as a refugee relief valve which is a losing proposition all around since it does not require the refugees to take any responsibility for themselves which is a big part of why their native lands are such a mess in the first place. Please understand that I am neither heartless nor without human compassion -- especially when there are kids that have to pay for their elders poor judgment; still, these Third Worlders have to help themselves first by doing away with counter-productive behaviors such as mass breeding and subjugation of women. A good first step that the Occident can take to this end is to co-sponsor and support House Congressional Resolution 105 to stop the advent of Iraq War IV in order to make up for Iraq War III not doing the job adequately. As much as I would love for Iraq War III to not have taken place at all, it is clear as day that it is the job of Congress to debate all of the facts whenever military force comes up into the conversation. Wars are very easy to start and are also very difficult to stop; furthermore, why should we fight for a people that will run away in a panic instead of standing their ground and forcing the enemy into retreat -- a task that for which they were given American-made weaponry?!? The Iraqi refugees already here in the United States have not shown any willingness to take responsibility for themselves ... they are not any better neighbors to us than they were to each other in Iraq and I have yet to see them show any interest in fighting on behalf of the United States. I have heard the Vietnam War talked about as if it were this »be there or be square« amazing event of a lifetime and it seems that its veterans are part of this beneficent fraternity that has the ear of the government at the same par as the special interests not realizing (or deliberately ignoring) the fact that the guerrilla war in which they fought DID NOT have to happen and WOULD NOT have happened in the first place if not for the greedy corporations hell-bent on making their monster profits. It is really that simple. In my opinion, the United States needs to do more of this: Corporation Z: Uncle Sam, there is some minerals over in ... Uncle Sam: Nothing doing, compadre. Corporation Z: But we could make billions ... Uncle Sam: Which part of »Nothing doing« do you not understand!?! Sit your ass down and STFU!!! The STFU could be something as simple as having the guards throw the lobbyist out on his ear or it could involve importing law enforcement to haul away the lobbyist; alternatively, the guards could go mafia on the lobbyist by dragging him to another location where they either beat him up or fill him full of bullets. The point is that corporations should not be allowed to wield a countrys military to secure more profits. The Third World needs to take responsibility for itself; in order for that to happen, the Occident needs to not be an option as a relief valve. The Third Worlder migrants and refugees here need to at least be sterilized so that they do not continue to mass-breed themselves -- and us!!! -- into the kind of poverty they left in their native lands; even better, sterilize and deport both the men and the boys. The United States refusing to not get involved in Syria did me proud and gave me hope that it is starting to get a clue about how misguided it has been; still, I am waiting for the United States to bring home all the troops to enforce a decisive immigration policy in which we import hard and export easy. I remember seeing a Muslim lady paying for her groceries with a Lone Star debit card; upon seeing its dark blue lettering plain as day, there was no doubt that she had to have gotten on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program less than a year ago. The lesson here is very simple: if you behave toward the Middle East as a military playground, you will find yourself with traumatized refugees that will mass-breed your country to a desolate wasteland not unlike what they were driven out of. House Congressional Resolution 105 is a good start; still, all these refugees deserve is a medical exam, getting sterilized, and a return flight with the message to go clean up their native homeland.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:32:14 +0000

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