Many thanks to Arnold, Sly and Bruce for taking time out from - TopicsExpress


Many thanks to Arnold, Sly and Bruce for taking time out from raising funds for the IDF to help (unwittingly) raise awareness about natural cures. People are dying needlessly every day because information about effective, alternative treatments for cancer have been suppressed and it is time to do what we can to draw peoples attention to this issue. The government has known since 1974 that Cannabis shrinks tumors In 2008, Rick Simpson went public with his video Run From the Cure, detailing his experiences in Nova Scotia curing cancer with hemp oil, aka Simpson oil, aka Phoenix Tears. He was shut down and jailed and was not allowed to present testimony at his trial related to the efficacy of the treatments he provided for many people. Others, hearing of Simpsons work, replicated the results and went public with their own videos. Video: “Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)” Video: “Cannabis Cures Cancers” Video: Spiral Up With Ava Marie A biochemist trained at U. of Houston and Baylor with years of professional experience in cancer research talks about how he cured his prostate cancer with cannabinoids (Rick Simpson protocol). Part 2: This should be enough to get you started. Please do what you can to spread this information (share this photo). If this saves only one life, it will have been worth it. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not intended as a substitute for professional health care advice. Professional health care advice tends to deny inexpensive, natural, effective treatments in favor of expensive, synthetic, ineffective, patented treatments. I am not economically or professionally constrained to continue propagating the lies of the pharmaceutical industry. - See more at: redpillguide/RPG_Suppressed_Health_Tech.htm Any M.D. who still advocates conventional surgery/chemo/radiation treatment for cancer should STFU after seeing this video. Infant with inoperable brain cancer is cancer-free with low-THC high-CBD cannabis oil after 4 months (MRI confirmed) without ANY conventional treatment. Spread this info far and wide because people are dying everyday from both cancer and conventional treatments for cancer. Also, since the average individual cancer case costs insurance companies $350,000 from diabnosis to death, can you imagine how much money could be saved just by using Cannabis to treat cancer? Cancer is about 7% of Americas health care budget and rising fast. 34 Medical Studies for the Skeptic Confirming Cannabis Can Cure Cancer In the original image, they were probably promoting something else, but I dont know what because I got this pic 2nd hand with some Russian slogan photoshopped in. Maybe their faces can help save some lives in real life now.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:55:28 +0000

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