Many times, health issues are a result of a hurting soul. For - TopicsExpress


Many times, health issues are a result of a hurting soul. For example, stomach issues can be the result of bad/wrong teaching. If you are throwing up, see it as throwing up the error. If its causing you pain---renew your mind to TRUTH. Physical heart issues can be from hurting heart issues. Are you dealing with shame, guilt, condemnation? Those can be hurting you quite physically. In 3 John. Paul said that he prayed that we would prosper and BE IN HEALTH, as what??? As our SOUL ( our mind, our will, and our emotions) prosper. If youve received a negative diagnosis about anything, ask God to reveal what is going on in your soul? Cancer can be that something has been eating at you. Healing is in us. OUR own soul is the ONLY thing that can hold back our experience of healing just the same way that our own soul can hold us back from experiencing freedom from sin issues. Because you can tangibly experience health or the lack thereof, healing is harder to overcome that experiencing your salvation. Healing and forgiveness, and salvation, and prospering, peace, and wholeness, and deliverance are all the same thing and they are spelled J E S U S. See HIM and allow HIM to change your mind, change your thinking and perceptions to align with Truth. What you believe about Jesus and your relationship is what you will experience.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:53:26 +0000

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