Many times in God’s Word we’re told to be strong and - TopicsExpress


Many times in God’s Word we’re told to be strong and courageous. God wouldnt tell us this if our lives were going to be all peaceful and content. Even Jesus told us there were going to be difficult times. God knows we’re going to have challenges, fear, problems and attacks. In fact, I believe many times He allows these times to come to us to draw us closer to Him. I know for me, there have been times of great loss, great despair and even fear in my life. I suspect there will be more to come. Prior to knowing Him like I do today, I got through those times but usually it was painful and hard. I felt helpless and lost in so many ways. Now that I know my creator and I have accepted His most magnificent gift of redemption in Jesus, His one and only Son, when trying times and trouble come I have a place to run to for comfort and protection. This doesnt mean that my troubles go away, in fact, they may even get worse, but what does happen is that I have a great peace that comes inside of me. Knowing deep down in my soul, really trusting my God is in control, brings about strength and courage to continue on in whatever circumstance I find myself in. Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD, your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” You either believe this or you don’t. There is no middle ground. Strength and courage to go forward come from knowing deep down inside (trusting) that God is with you and that He is in control of ALL circumstances. Once we really believe this, we will find a great peace that only God can provide. He is the source of all peace, joy, contentment and purpose. May His will always be done! So for me. I’ll trust God and be strong and courageous no matter what my circumstances look like. I have the God of the universe at my side, what do I have to worry about? Blessed Devotional from my brother in Christ who was with us in Nicaragua... Skip Watkins
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:52:46 +0000

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