Many times in life we pray, but we dont receive specific answers - TopicsExpress


Many times in life we pray, but we dont receive specific answers to our prayers. There are many reason why we do not get our payers answered. And in the result we feel sick, broken, disappointed and defeated.It is very important to understand that why our payers are unanswered and how to get answers to our prayers. Allah says in Quran: And your Lord said, Pray to Me, I shall acknowledge your call. Undoubtedly those who are too proud to worship Me, soon will enter the Hell despised.(Surah Al-Mumin:60) It is reported that Ibrâhîm Bin Adham (Rehmatullah Aalyh) once passed through the market of Basrah. People gathered around him and asked:O Abû Ishâq, Allâh the Exalted says in his Book. ‘Call on me, I will answer your prayers’, but we have been calling on Him for a long time and He does not answer our prayers. He Replied: O people of Basrah, your hearts have died in respect to ten things: First, you know Allâh but you do not give Him His rights; Second, you have read Allâh’s Book (Quran) but you do not act by it; Third, you claim to love Allâh’s Messenger (SalAllahu Aalayhi Wa Sallam) yet you abandon his Sunnah (life style of Prophet Mohammad SalAllahu Aalayhi Wa Sallam); Fourth, you claim to be enemies to Shaytân (Satan) but you conform to [his ways]; Fifth, you say you love Paradise yet you do not work for it; Sixth, you say you fear The Fire yet you put yourselves closer to it [by sinning]; Seventh, you say death is true but you do not prepare for it; Eighth, you busy yourselves with the faults of others and disregard your own; Ninth, you consume the favors of your Lord but are not grateful for them; And tenth, you bury your dead but take no lesson from them. So my dear Sisters, lets control our nafs and work hard to get peace of heart and attain Jannah In shaa ALLAH. And to make ourselves to be amoung the righteous in shaa ALLAH !!! Aameen !!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 06:14:49 +0000

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