Many times on Allistrong I’ve talked about bullying. I am an - TopicsExpress


Many times on Allistrong I’ve talked about bullying. I am an advocate for this. I honestly believe the reason why bullies are the way they are is because they are jealous of the person they are picking on and the only way they can get indefinite satisfaction is by proving to anyone that will listen, that they are the living embodiment of truth and power. Job 40:8 says, “Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?” Interesting huh? There are many truths about being the target of a bully. Since I am one, I have had to endure lots of beat downs to come to one last conclusion, my happiness terrorizes my bully. It would appear as if I’m weak, a victim. But these 2 descriptions are completely untrue. Bullies are jealous of a targets status, talent, looks, possessions. Bullies act without integrity and despise people who display it. Sometimes they act with no reason other than for the kick they get from realizing that something they have done has provoked a reaction in their target. By making people listen to their spew of injustice and lies can be a cheap source of gratification and amusement. But bullies that tread on exposure of their perceived shortcoming, such as inadequacy and incompetence, bully not for fun but in order – they think – to survive and to reduce judgment of their mistakes. Competent listeners fuel the bully’s fear that shortcomings in their capabilities will surface, so they tend to select easily manipulated people who will help them fulfill some of their drama, some of their need for positive attention for themselves. In everyday life, bullying is abusive, ugly and disturbingly common, with profound and sometimes lethal consequences. Indeed, its physical and emotional impact on the target is now being addressed a serious health issue by professionals as well as become a recognized crime in our justice system. Unfortunately, statistics only dimly reflect the pain endured by victims of bullying. Aside from any physical injuries they might sustain, they are also more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression and physical complaints such as headaches, abdominal pain and fatigue. Yesterday, I was on the phone with Alli’s teacher, Mrs. Retta. While talking intently about an issue in my world, she brought up things that I hadn’t thought of about bullies. “Bullies are never going to be happy, they are always going to play second fiddle to the person who is the target. Whether it be emotionally unstable, jealous, and continually manipulate those around, a bully will never be as good as his/her target. Hold tight, my dear friend, sometimes the person who is the bully is the one that is most jealous of their target’s life.” In all things, Loretta is one of my heroes. Not only did she open my eyes to what is really going on, she completely understood how and why it was happening. I thank God for her everyday and I’m certain Alli-Cat loved her the way she loved me. I might have been her biological mom, but she was just as much her mom as I am. Throughout history, two things have not changed: (a) God’s word, and (b) human nature. God’s word speaks loudly and clearly on the subject of bullying, and the stories are relevant to cyber bullying, neighborhood bullying, jealousy and drama. As well, human nature gives way to injustice, self preservation and self gratification. There are times in our lives when we feel lonely and that we just can’t take it anymore. Jesus experienced that too. Not even Jesus’ closest friends were there for Him when He needed them. His response was to pray and hang onto His Father. Life comes with all sorts of complications, but Jesus truly understand. He experienced hardship and promises to always be there for us, even when no one else is. Prayer for today: Lord, thank you for the friends and family we have in our lives. When we feel beat down and broken, our friends remind us to rely on You and to feel Your presence in a very real way. Father, I ask that you bless all bullies today, especially mine. No matter how harshly talked about I am, I know that there must be significant pain there for it to continue. Wrap your arms around my bully today. Thank you for Calvary, Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:26:47 +0000

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