Many unpleasant things are happening right now & some of these - TopicsExpress


Many unpleasant things are happening right now & some of these things will continue to happen while largely being out of our control in this life My Friends... This can easily lead one to feel helpless, angry or afraid, but there is one thing that is always within our control- how we choose to react & or more importantly respond to these things... Just because there are things going on that we dont like or disagree with in the world doesnt mean we have to live lives of depression, conflict(inner & outer) & disappointment... Just because we will sometimes find ourselves & each other in opposing view & sometimes within the throws of ignorance, anger, hate & delusion to some degree, this doesnt meant that we have to continue along that FEAR based path... We can each stop this cycle as it pertains to our lives & inspire others to do the same in the process... Choose not to buy into anger, hatred & all things FEAR based when they come your way My Friends... Choose not to feed or perpetuate the problem by throwing these same things back in the direction from which they came or at the person who may have thrown it at you... Choose to respond to these things with love, compassion, patience, & forgiveness... This is how we can & will transcend these set backs of our lives & how we can help those around us to do the same... It may be the greatest power we possess- The combined force of knowledge & choice when infused with love & wisdom... With these things we can achieve & overcome ANYTHING... As with any power, this greatest power comes with a great responsibility My Friends, so choose to act wisely/kindly/lovingly always
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:41:24 +0000

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