Many will not have the intestinal fortitude (guts) to read this - TopicsExpress


Many will not have the intestinal fortitude (guts) to read this posting from Senator Cruz, and they ate the very ones who desperately need to understand this issue. Sadly, there are The Poor of this world who are so miserable in their poverty as to think they can relieve their poverty by theft, and not by hard work. Some hired gun, a political thug like Obama comes to town. He hunts out The Poor selling his thuggery skills to beat up and rob The Rich with a promise to split the booty with The Poor. What The Poor see is easy money vs hard work, get rich quick vs long term investment and savings, and so on. The Poor ought to consider WHY they ARE poor and The Rich ARE rich. Heres a news flash, when hard work DOESNT make poor rich, then were really in trouble. But, when poor people ARE rewarded for their hard riches and thugs steal the results of their labor, then the hard work goes undone and the The Poor get poorer BECAUSE NO ONE WILL WORK FOR THAT WHICH THEY CANNOT KEEP! Remember, one of God-given, and therefore government-protected unalienable rights is life, liberty, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (PROPERTY, PROPERTY, PROPERTY, they meant PROPERTY). A government protects the ownership of private property, BECAUSE NO ONE, NO SANE PERSON WILL WORK FOT THAT WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP. WOULD YOU? ONLY AN IDIOT WOULD DO OTHERWISE. But the thug politician will always find a way to convince The Poor that they are victims of The Rich so as to magnify the misery of the poor in their poverty, get hired via the vote of The Poor, win a majority and divide the political power and money between themselves.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:06:53 +0000

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