Many will say theyve changed but the fruit has yet to be - TopicsExpress


Many will say theyve changed but the fruit has yet to be seen. More will say theyre changing but are struggling. Few seldom say yet their actions n words are fruitful. The enemy is shrewd, full of deceit n never gives up. The evil spirits are united in their war against humanity. Many are ignorant of his existence n more deny his existence but only a few acknowledge his existence n fewer still really learn to know him n his wiles. He goes about like a roaring lion, seeking them whom he may devour, to steal, to kill n destroy you, your marriage, your family, your community, your nation n has made Truth to be judgemental, harsh n wrong taking God (YHWH) out of schools for he is targeting the next generations introducing tolerance towards sin in its many masks. Human rights one of his tools which is very effective yet true peace continues to be out of range n wars (religious n racial) are escalating. When will it all end? The Bible is very precise in all its prophecy. Watch the Middle East. The man who will bring about the peace treaty that shall be violated. Which country is he from? Which country is the seat of satan in? Which countries are beheading Christians n are waging war against the Israelites? Which country has a city in the desert by the sea? Which nation is fornicating with the nations making them drunk with wine (oil)? Which nation shall wipe her out? Think on these things. Observe n learn: The God of the Israelites n the Christians is been slowly n deceitfully removed. The Truth not clung to n defended by the believers who are silent thus evil in all its wickedness are ever extending their tentacles to phase out, crush out n destroy integrity,righteousness n morality instead they are breeding human rights, tolerance n immorality. The devil is pressing in for the kill through controlling the world systems, via one world bank, freemasonry n its offsprings that came out of Babel n are controlling nations, the entertainment industry corrupting n destroying marriages n families, the religious wars that leave many in disarray, lives becoming meaningless, human rights of tolerance bringing about false peace whereas nations are rising up against nations proving them futile. Almost everyone is caught up with the happenings around them n slowly becoming neutral, even to cold. They are ignorant n captured by deceit. They dont know the wiles of the devil thus...., as in the days of Noah, we are living in today. Christians, today are caught up with success, prosperous n leadership teachings that the new age philosophies are having a field day of slowly n surely infiltrating them that the Army of God the Church are as in the days of King Saul n Goliath where fear n doubt controlled the thinking, rendering them lukewarm. The church to succeed must go back to loving God n fearing Him with the attitude of hating evil in every form n facing it head on as David did against Goliath. We must go back to individual relationship with God n coming together as one in Christ Who is the Head n we are the body thus in unity, one spirit with the Holy Spirit. We learn as soldiers to trust n obey God n to go forth by Faith in the face of all, giving thanks n praise n we are to learn about the enemy n his strategies that we may not only resist him but to take him head ( like King David) on for the battle is not against flesh n blood but against principalities, powers n wicked rulers in the heavenlies. Back to the Word of God, Be Spirit Filled by Abiding in Christ n people of Prayer that is consistent n aggressive that we fight for our spouses, families, relations, communities n nation. The Prayer of the Spirit in n through our spirit, Loving God n standing in Christ to Love n fight for our neighbours. Love the Greatest Weapon, the Word of God our Armour n Sword to the pulling down of strongholds, imaginations. To Believe is to Trust, to Trust is to Love n Obey n by Faith we step out, speak, do n call what is yet unseen that it shall become. King David in Psalms 23:4 states, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod (Word) n Thy staff (Spirit) they comfort me. Its more than enough to know that the battle belongs to Him for He goes before me, I am in Christ n Christ in me thus greater is He the Holy Spirit in me than he that is in the world. Be sober (focused), be vigilant (alert) by making right decisions to refuse n resist the enemy giving him no foothold or legal ground. The mind the door to the heart n the will the watchman at the door. Commit, Discipline that you may be Consistent in all your ways that will Honour n Glorify God. SAIC. EJSC. YHSIC. WJP.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 09:02:22 +0000

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