Many wonder: What is a reasonable price for a gym membership? But, - TopicsExpress


Many wonder: What is a reasonable price for a gym membership? But, it is really a very broad -based question which is completely dependent on your needs and your perceived value of the services. Lets start with your fitness goals. Would you like to lose weight, gain lean muscle, have more energy, be more productive and live a longer more enriched life? Or are you someone who has a short term goal of perhaps losing weight to impress your old high school friends at your upcoming reunion, or looking your very best in your bikini on an upcoming vacation. There is no right or wrong answer here and I promise that I am not here to grade your responses. Whatever is important to you is the proper response and the only one that truly matters. Now that we have got that out of the way, lets address the options that you have for attaining personal fitness goals and the pluses and minuses that accompany these options. Big box high volume gyms: Pluses (well, there is actually only one plus) - Extremely Cheap $10 per month Minuses - Overcrowded , lack cleanliness, poor customer service, no real fitness knowledge and an overall experience that almost always leads to the member not attending but continuing to pay monthly dues because it is so cheap! Small to midsize, service oriented health clubs: Pluses - Much lower volume, well kept, comfortable inviting atmosphere, superior customer service and a staff that is dedicated to delivering there members results. Minuses – They are more expensive then a big box gym $29 - $49 per month. They dont contain the amenities of the higher end clubs (swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts etc...) High-end health clubs: Pluses - Amenities that neither the Big box or small to midsize, service oriented, clubs have like pools, courts, spa services etc. They have extravagant locker rooms and strong customer service. Minuses – Much more expensive $ 100- $125 per month, a sterile corporate feel and frequent staff turnover. I will offer full disclosure right now. As a personal trainer who has successfully helped people reach and maintain their fitness goals for over 25 years I have some very definite and somewhat biased opinions on this subject. Whether your goals are short- or long-term, if they are important to you I urge you to NOT put your faith and your hard earned $10 a month into a Big box gym. The minuses outweigh the pluses by so much that you have almost no chance of being successful! Believe me; making the lifestyle changes that you want wont be easy. It is imperative that you join a health club that is dedicated to providing you with the guidance, motivation and accountability necessary for you to reach your goals! I will leave you with this question. Would you rather spend very little money and fail or spend a little more to be successful? For more information on how Forever Fit in Watertown, MA can help you reach your fitness goals, contact us.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:13:38 +0000

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