Many years ago, a man was traveling across the country by sneaking - TopicsExpress


Many years ago, a man was traveling across the country by sneaking from one freight train to the next. One night he climbed into what he thought was a boxcar. He closed the door, which automatically locked shut and trapped him inside. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he realized he was inside a refrigerated boxcar, and he became aware of the intense, freezing cold. He called for help and pounded on the door, but all the noise he made from the inside the car failed to attract anyone’s attention. After many hours of struggle, he lay down on the floor of the railroad car. As he tried to fight against the freezing cold, he scratched a message on the floor explaining his unfortunate, imminent death. Late the next day, repairmen from the railroad opened the door and found the dead man inside. Though the man had all the appearance of having frozen to death, the truth was the repairmen had come to fix the broken refrigerator unit in that car. Most likely the temperature of the railroad car had never fallen below fifty degrees during the night. The man had died because he thought he was freezing to death. Perhaps nothing is more powerful in the world than the human mind. Your mind matters, and how you choose to think will have a major influence about nearly everything that happens in your life. The Bible says, “As he [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV). Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Man becomes what he thinks about all day long.” Many times we forget both the positive and negative influences our minds can have on us. If you ever hope to live out your dreams and choose to live a positive, healthy lifestyle, then one of the major areas of your life you’ll want to work on is what you allow to enter your mind. Your mind is so powerful and yet so vulnerable that whatever you put into it will eventually come out. If you put garbage into your mind, then garbage will come out. If you put good things into your mind, then good things will come out. Life is an echo; you get back what you put into it. If you tend to plant negative thoughts, then what do you suppose will grow inside your mind.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:23:01 +0000

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