Many years ago in a small town near Bristol,England ,a woman put - TopicsExpress


Many years ago in a small town near Bristol,England ,a woman put to birth a very beautiful boy.At first everyone was happy for her.But as the years went by,her happiness turned sour,the beautiful boy was dumb.Despite her sadness,she still went ahead to put to birth other children.This boys father never loved the boy from the very moment he knew the boy was dumb.I cant train a dumb brute,he normally said. The boy grew up, feeling rejected,desert ed and hated.After one of his sign classes with his teacher,he went home to show to his mother,i love you sign.On seeing his mother,he smiled,pointed his right index finger towards his heart,then up and then towards his mum.Though she didnt understand,she smiled and did the same thing.When asked what it meant,he wrote on a piece of paper,i love you to his mum. Many years passed by and his fathers hatred for him only increased by each day.Even his siblings,grew to hate him.Tom is a nerd,you hear them say.One day,he demonstrated the,i love you sign to his dad,but he simply hissed,get out of here,he barked. The frightened boy ran into his cabin,and shutting the door upon himself,cried out his heart. One day,when his father,who was a sailor,was out on the sea.A terrible storm arose and the ship on which his father was captaining,got shipwrecked and tossed to pieces on a rocky island.Being the only survivor,he thanked God and went about to search for food.Not long had he gone when a terrible storm sunk the island,tossing him back to the sea.Struggling with the waves,he lost counsciousness and floated away on the sea. When news got to his family five days later,there was great sorrow.All his sons,except Tom,the dumb were mariners and skilled men at sea,but when a search party was to be organised,none of them agreed to go.Tom volunteered to go. you cant go,his mother wailed,you cant even talkshe cried. Toms uncle tried restraining him but all he did was smile.Three days they searched the entire sea surrounding their small town but found nothing.On the third day,the same storm that sunk the ship his father was in,came again,the other volunteers,afar id for their lives,meant to turn the ship back,towards land but Tom wouldnt let them.He had hope,he could feel it,his father was not dead. Through the storm and angry sea,they steered the ship,further into the sea.On the fourth day,amidst the fog and heavy storm,Tom sighted a floating body,he made sighns to the other men,who changed the direction of the ship toward the body.Behold,it was his dad,too exicted to show happiness,he jumped into the water and brought out his dad,the man who never wanted to see him for even a day of his life,the man who hated him so much.With all the strength he had in his fragile body,he pulled himself and the now,uncounsciou s man,over the deck. On reaching home,his mother had grown thin due to the grief of the thought of losing both husband and son on the same day.On their way out of the ship,with Toms dad on a stretcher,amids t news crew and the crowd that came to witness the miraculous survival,when asked if he had anything to say to the son that rescued him,he got down from the stretcher,knelt at Toms feet,and looking up at him,did what Tom did to him all his life,with tears in his eyes,he pointed his index finger towards his heart,then up and finally at his son,i love you,he whispered.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:49:35 +0000

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